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Current special Pick n Pay - Gauteng - Valid from 02.01 to 22.01 - Page nb 3

Special Pick n Pay 02.01.2025 - 22.01.2025

Products in this catalogue

ae oasis ie riatoss recsesed & cheese Sices Assorted $009E2¢h 5 Rarmaiat Arich flavoured, fit a ce es0g ee a ee 2 a Btonc end Parmalat Grated Modined ; Chegea Ato Dara erecees ‘heese Parmalat Matos Praceaed Coase 1509 ‘ce aosorted S085 00 Assorted 160g Each + < ay et a eS ’ 7, = | . is i ' eedant woe J The Laughing cow Ereese! 5 First Choice Baby Gouda Cheese Wedges Assorted ‘ésident Meduim at Cream Choose Aseortod 230g ach ‘Assorted 250g cach Assorted 209¢ ach 1005/1259 ach PP Cottage Cheese Assorted 2509Each p38 \ eam i ral a ) Pebss a PoP Deli @ 400g eK Each se a” skort French or Garlic Polony Thg Each Rainbow ut ae Sa Fe Ao 3 = Ne SunshineD PnP Large Eggs 18s 500g Each Original Margarine 80% ped Fat Spread 500: ok Low! over Butro Full Flora Light 40% or Regular cusped ater m= ‘50% Fat Spread Thg Tub Each ‘Spread 2509 Tub = Dovgledat AnatiSte Clover Smooth Low Fat, Fruits of the Forest ‘or Nolac Yoghurt Assorted kg Each Clover Super M Flavoured Cloves Tropa Flavoured Day Fut Milk Assorted 300miEach Mixa‘ Yesorted2 Litre Eack Eelery site Cree aa rie Glover Tropa | rasan SnackAgsorted |" Som Esch “ae ae cs ee sd ere) ean con PRICES VALID 2 - 22 JANUARY 2025,

Latest specials

ae oasis ie riatoss recsesed & cheese Sices Assorted $009E2¢h 5 Rarmaiat Arich flavoured, fit a ce es0g ee a ee 2 a Btonc end Parmalat Grated Modined ; Chegea Ato Dara erecees ‘heese Parmalat Matos Praceaed Coase 1509 ‘ce aosorted S085 00 Assorted 160g Each + < ay et a eS ’ 7, = | . is i ' eedant woe J The Laughing cow Ereese! 5 First Choice Baby Gouda Cheese Wedges Assorted ‘ésident Meduim at Cream Choose Aseortod 230g ach ‘Assorted 250g cach Assorted 209¢ ach 1005/1259 ach PP Cottage Cheese Assorted 2509Each p38 \ eam i ral a ) Pebss a PoP Deli @ 400g eK Each se a” skort French or Garlic Polony Thg Each Rainbow ut ae Sa Fe Ao 3 = Ne SunshineD PnP Large Eggs 18s 500g Each Original Margarine 80% ped Fat Spread 500: ok Low! over Butro Full Flora Light 40% or Regular cusped ater m= ‘50% Fat Spread Thg Tub Each ‘Spread 2509 Tub = Dovgledat AnatiSte Clover Smooth Low Fat, Fruits of the Forest ‘or Nolac Yoghurt Assorted kg Each Clover Super M Flavoured Cloves Tropa Flavoured Day Fut Milk Assorted 300miEach Mixa‘ Yesorted2 Litre Eack Eelery site Cree aa rie Glover Tropa | rasan SnackAgsorted |" Som Esch “ae ae cs ee sd ere) ean con PRICES VALID 2 - 22 JANUARY 2025,

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