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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 19.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

s2899 NS3399 Deposit S340, RS 2 Mes S190 24 Menthe Deco Coffee Table Deco TV Stand NS7899 teat oastr equipment and accessories not included ‘S16899 oer eters __SB899 NS4399 Depot nse00. oan orate 3-Piece Nappoli 7-Piece Baltimore Sane Binetto Set {BemRee cushions and ope Saceonstar ion eons not eared — pi } Ee aoe ae Place Miami 07cm EM, Krtcnen soherne Matreason,boceng Dees pene and accessories not included * Accessories not included NS11899 Deposit S590, epost NS 190, S280. 24 Months, S529 «24 Mot 2-Piece Sophia 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite + Bedroom Suite Base set, bedding and accessories not included © Base set, bedding and accessories not included i ALSO Sophia Maxi . AVAILABLE Chest of Drawers pau ILE ($2500, Save NS400 _ SAVE "51600 Tle bedi eae siya a ha Sd roe] pd 2) tend Bb Teoria Port Depost NS730 Seed . *s rere pee gen ty Included in ea eas our ALSO AVAILABLE RESTONIC NS4899 NS5399 Sealeeoleee mae TUN, ane one eee es, 8229 x24 Months $240.24 Months f Sy) It WIN 152cm Rest Zone 152cm Symphony Base Sot Base Set * + 1-Year Guarantee * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty Service Warranty Hi Ws facebook. com/OK-Furture-Nanie-543012610966377 o ips wonton comleld se © cusTomER CARE LINE: 0961 00 88 61 or 861 11 22 13 (IEEE Rca eae ei eee & ces advernnd are appcale wats Namibia cy AX Tenchi depot VAT ae france charges, bl exe rerance and Gey charges. ness oPeize tated Bong yeu, root of redence (ot ar fan eee months) and Pee ments latest paysip/slary advice to ensure rap response to your cre aplication. Lay-byavalable on selected stock. Enquie in-store for more dels. Standard Terms and Contions apply. Al products indicated in res are in nett valve. Should you find ay item cheaper at any other retaler, provide a quote or cuent catalogue and we wil refund the dflerence plus 5% of the dtference. This is contiona on the day ofthe purchase frm OK Future andthe period for which the price rom OK Furniture swab for and not hereafter This fr excludes Store Openings, Clearances and Limited Quay offers. Products are avaiable trom al branches, however, to ou ast range al products may not necessary be on display al stores. Accessories cspayed are 512 splayed as extras and are not ince nthe adverse price, Shel an eer occur or incomplete infrmaton be pint inthis advertisement we wil slay a note in-store wit al he correct deals BRANCHES: GOBABIS: (0026462) 564 2956, (GROOTFONTEIN: (0026467) 240 622, KATATURA: (002646!) 219 234/5, KATIMA MULILO: (0026466) 252 574/78, KEETMANSHOOP: (0026463) 2260712, OKAMANDJA: (0026462) S00 611, ONDANGWA (0026465) 241 146/7, OSHAKAM: (0026465) 222454, OSHIKANGO: (0026465) 265 301, OTARWARONGO: (0026467) 304 751, OUTAP: (0026485) 251 462, REMOBOTH: (0026462) 523 340, RUNDU: (0026486) 255 158, SWAKOPMUND: (0026464) 461 725, TSUMEB: (0026467) 221 S18”, WALMS ‘BAY: (0026464) 200 197, WINDHOEK: (0026461) 259 531, MARIENTAL: (0026463) 242 60, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000. No Dealers allowed. EOE

Latest specials

s2899 NS3399 Deposit S340, RS 2 Mes S190 24 Menthe Deco Coffee Table Deco TV Stand NS7899 teat oastr equipment and accessories not included ‘S16899 oer eters __SB899 NS4399 Depot nse00. oan orate 3-Piece Nappoli 7-Piece Baltimore Sane Binetto Set {BemRee cushions and ope Saceonstar ion eons not eared — pi } Ee aoe ae Place Miami 07cm EM, Krtcnen soherne Matreason,boceng Dees pene and accessories not included * Accessories not included NS11899 Deposit S590, epost NS 190, S280. 24 Months, S529 «24 Mot 2-Piece Sophia 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite + Bedroom Suite Base set, bedding and accessories not included © Base set, bedding and accessories not included i ALSO Sophia Maxi . AVAILABLE Chest of Drawers pau ILE ($2500, Save NS400 _ SAVE "51600 Tle bedi eae siya a ha Sd roe] pd 2) tend Bb Teoria Port Depost NS730 Seed . *s rere pee gen ty Included in ea eas our ALSO AVAILABLE RESTONIC NS4899 NS5399 Sealeeoleee mae TUN, ane one eee es, 8229 x24 Months $240.24 Months f Sy) It WIN 152cm Rest Zone 152cm Symphony Base Sot Base Set * + 1-Year Guarantee * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty Service Warranty Hi Ws facebook. com/OK-Furture-Nanie-543012610966377 o ips wonton comleld se © cusTomER CARE LINE: 0961 00 88 61 or 861 11 22 13 (IEEE Rca eae ei eee & ces advernnd are appcale wats Namibia cy AX Tenchi depot VAT ae france charges, bl exe rerance and Gey charges. ness oPeize tated Bong yeu, root of redence (ot ar fan eee months) and Pee ments latest paysip/slary advice to ensure rap response to your cre aplication. Lay-byavalable on selected stock. Enquie in-store for more dels. Standard Terms and Contions apply. Al products indicated in res are in nett valve. Should you find ay item cheaper at any other retaler, provide a quote or cuent catalogue and we wil refund the dflerence plus 5% of the dtference. This is contiona on the day ofthe purchase frm OK Future andthe period for which the price rom OK Furniture swab for and not hereafter This fr excludes Store Openings, Clearances and Limited Quay offers. Products are avaiable trom al branches, however, to ou ast range al products may not necessary be on display al stores. Accessories cspayed are 512 splayed as extras and are not ince nthe adverse price, Shel an eer occur or incomplete infrmaton be pint inthis advertisement we wil slay a note in-store wit al he correct deals BRANCHES: GOBABIS: (0026462) 564 2956, (GROOTFONTEIN: (0026467) 240 622, KATATURA: (002646!) 219 234/5, KATIMA MULILO: (0026466) 252 574/78, KEETMANSHOOP: (0026463) 2260712, OKAMANDJA: (0026462) S00 611, ONDANGWA (0026465) 241 146/7, OSHAKAM: (0026465) 222454, OSHIKANGO: (0026465) 265 301, OTARWARONGO: (0026467) 304 751, OUTAP: (0026485) 251 462, REMOBOTH: (0026462) 523 340, RUNDU: (0026486) 255 158, SWAKOPMUND: (0026464) 461 725, TSUMEB: (0026467) 221 S18”, WALMS ‘BAY: (0026464) 200 197, WINDHOEK: (0026461) 259 531, MARIENTAL: (0026463) 242 60, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000. No Dealers allowed. EOE

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