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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

White Gas/Electric Fridge Freezer GFR260DB H sgomm w_ 1030mm 700mm SAVE "S300 ‘“ NS3999 % Deposit N$400. é ) NS189 x 24 Months. \ MAKE MUNICIPAL } a eet me eco AND OTHER ACCOUNT Aaitine BEY eS VU eCé (with reqistation) IN-STORE Herm ote MONEY MARKET owe COUNTER SAVE "5300 SAVE "S500 SAVE "5300 SAVE "52000 NS3999 NS5599 NS5699 NS19999 Deposit NS400. Deposit NS560. Deposit N$570. Deposit NS2000. NS259 x 24 Months. N$259 x 24 Months. NS879 x 24 Months. Kee DEFY SAMSUNG ty - Metallic Satin-Metallic Metallic Side-by-Side Bottom-Freezer ‘ penn roerel Fridge with Ereerec nage Fridge with eee with Water H220TTS/ Water Dispenser epereer Dispenser H225TTS KBF631M Oe bers RS52 Warranty ne) CCU eee beer _ eee CU ure exency| | ay : al ARERY Bottom-Freezer WNEtag ENERGY AS ENERGY A eee) Rare ABR TGR csi 1 1s35mm © P1500 H 160mm Mioine REGEIaNON —w <70nm RS Dt acame tea wibianee « 4-Year Guarante 4-Year Guarantee D_ 520mm Di Giaven 5 ———— SS

Latest specials

White Gas/Electric Fridge Freezer GFR260DB H sgomm w_ 1030mm 700mm SAVE "S300 ‘“ NS3999 % Deposit N$400. é ) NS189 x 24 Months. \ MAKE MUNICIPAL } a eet me eco AND OTHER ACCOUNT Aaitine BEY eS VU eCé (with reqistation) IN-STORE Herm ote MONEY MARKET owe COUNTER SAVE "5300 SAVE "S500 SAVE "5300 SAVE "52000 NS3999 NS5599 NS5699 NS19999 Deposit NS400. Deposit NS560. Deposit N$570. Deposit NS2000. NS259 x 24 Months. N$259 x 24 Months. NS879 x 24 Months. Kee DEFY SAMSUNG ty - Metallic Satin-Metallic Metallic Side-by-Side Bottom-Freezer ‘ penn roerel Fridge with Ereerec nage Fridge with eee with Water H220TTS/ Water Dispenser epereer Dispenser H225TTS KBF631M Oe bers RS52 Warranty ne) CCU eee beer _ eee CU ure exency| | ay : al ARERY Bottom-Freezer WNEtag ENERGY AS ENERGY A eee) Rare ABR TGR csi 1 1s35mm © P1500 H 160mm Mioine REGEIaNON —w <70nm RS Dt acame tea wibianee « 4-Year Guarante 4-Year Guarantee D_ 520mm Di Giaven 5 ———— SS

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