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Current special OK Furniture - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE "200 SAVE"600 Hisense SAVE"500 SAMSUNG M2799 write M5999 TopLoader = M8499 Waching ‘Machine Twin-Tub Deposit M280. Deposit M600. Washing Machine Deposit M850. Mi19x30 Ment, 9 esning wei Mente. WTXMWTJA1302T MSH x 30: Veis ea Vear otal Payable M3579 Machine tal Payable M7449. 3 otal Payable Mt a2 DTM69 at 24% ft 3+ 1-Year (with at248e at Guarantee registration) = _ aS iy Ea H 1020mm | | vison wT a SAVE ™500 DevstM'50. Snappy Chef M69 x 30 Months, Total Payable M2019 12-Pic Stainl: M4499 sere” Bolsose per set 2S SSCS012 — Sy " i > WA Ly Black 4-Burner Gas Stove DGS168 * 3-Year Warranty NOW ONLY M4999 Deposit M500. M209 x 30 Months. Total Payable M6219 at 24% int. Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire sey 600 Stove DSS694 RATING. ea Year Warranty SAVE "100 Fe 0 Hens. M399 Senne 1 Russell Hobbs J Steam Iron 4 RHI225. © 2200W BUY 3 OR MORE SELECTED NON-ADVERTISED Eytan APPLIANCES AND AUDIOVISUAL ACCESSORIES AND GET 10% OFF THE CHEAPEST ONE Ts & Cs APPLY TANK (iol a SAVE "100 Wet & Dry = SAVE 200 Perostit0, |= Hisense SAVE™300 Perost M20. = 6 Hisense M4 Vacuum M1 Thal Paeble Mera Mirror-Door M Toll Payable W309 Black Mirror-Door 1399 barestral 79) at 24% Int, Microwave Oven 1239 at 24% Int. Microwave Oven Deposit M140. E028 H30MOMS9H H43MOMMI © 1800W TT M69 x 30 Months. * 2-Year Guarantee * 2-Year Guarantee Total Payable M1899 | — at 24% nt - ; WORLD = ae = il ss —_e we 7 SAVE "200 SAVE "200 M1499 M1999 Deposit M150, Deposit M200, M69x 30 Months. M89 x 30 Months, Total Payable M2019 Total Payable M2619 Gat 24% Int at 24% Int. 3-Burner gq (DEFY IM Boiling 2-Plate Mini Hae) Table Oven MOH9328B, is 08/300C 7 4 8 om ae 5 |

Latest specials

SAVE "200 SAVE"600 Hisense SAVE"500 SAMSUNG M2799 write M5999 TopLoader = M8499 Waching ‘Machine Twin-Tub Deposit M280. Deposit M600. Washing Machine Deposit M850. Mi19x30 Ment, 9 esning wei Mente. WTXMWTJA1302T MSH x 30: Veis ea Vear otal Payable M3579 Machine tal Payable M7449. 3 otal Payable Mt a2 DTM69 at 24% ft 3+ 1-Year (with at248e at Guarantee registration) = _ aS iy Ea H 1020mm | | vison wT a SAVE ™500 DevstM'50. Snappy Chef M69 x 30 Months, Total Payable M2019 12-Pic Stainl: M4499 sere” Bolsose per set 2S SSCS012 — Sy " i > WA Ly Black 4-Burner Gas Stove DGS168 * 3-Year Warranty NOW ONLY M4999 Deposit M500. M209 x 30 Months. Total Payable M6219 at 24% int. Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire sey 600 Stove DSS694 RATING. ea Year Warranty SAVE "100 Fe 0 Hens. M399 Senne 1 Russell Hobbs J Steam Iron 4 RHI225. © 2200W BUY 3 OR MORE SELECTED NON-ADVERTISED Eytan APPLIANCES AND AUDIOVISUAL ACCESSORIES AND GET 10% OFF THE CHEAPEST ONE Ts & Cs APPLY TANK (iol a SAVE "100 Wet & Dry = SAVE 200 Perostit0, |= Hisense SAVE™300 Perost M20. = 6 Hisense M4 Vacuum M1 Thal Paeble Mera Mirror-Door M Toll Payable W309 Black Mirror-Door 1399 barestral 79) at 24% Int, Microwave Oven 1239 at 24% Int. Microwave Oven Deposit M140. E028 H30MOMS9H H43MOMMI © 1800W TT M69 x 30 Months. * 2-Year Guarantee * 2-Year Guarantee Total Payable M1899 | — at 24% nt - ; WORLD = ae = il ss —_e we 7 SAVE "200 SAVE "200 M1499 M1999 Deposit M150, Deposit M200, M69x 30 Months. M89 x 30 Months, Total Payable M2019 Total Payable M2619 Gat 24% Int at 24% Int. 3-Burner gq (DEFY IM Boiling 2-Plate Mini Hae) Table Oven MOH9328B, is 08/300C 7 4 8 om ae 5 |

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