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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 19.09 to 27.09 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 19.09.2022 - 27.09.2022

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SS Ue aS See eee a tll a PS eS ad 3470 Deposit R690. Total Payable R12460 at 22.5% Int. a eric aa ert) Titanium TIGRE Aad R3699 wetaiiic R4949 Se R4999 inocrinisn R4Q99 wetanic R Destro. Top-Freezer — oeoostnass. Batt epeathsod Bottom-Freezer —oexosinsin. Bottom- Rois 130 Months. Fridge R26? 36 Months. R268 x36 Months. Fridge with Roxon Se Monts. Freez Tarroonennite KTCETME Tanita DACA47 Terence Gricge erreurs Ee 2s S DYear A250 3+ 2 Years A225 Depenser 2250 OURS a Guarantee WOR cig H310BIT-WO *5-Year (EFY) Worant *5-Year Guarantee Satin-Metallic : Guarantee Bottom-Freezer Fridge with Water Dispenser DAC645 in ©9342 Years (with registration) Warranty * Static ° 4-Star Freezer — * Slimline Water Dispenser * integrated Handle +ENERGY L276] nara By isrination EES evency H 1850mm 2 arias ae taaas 4 W 600nm 650mm }o cram si ENJOY PEACE OF MIND Ears sy WARRANTY eee or et aren ‘ . Gat iaeg GFR260DB (with registration) ul Nn D 725mm a 1 @ Ceran Hob with Touch Control Panel R5799 83949 R3299 Depost 8580. epost Depot 395. Deposit R90. OHDAOBA 02 36 Moats Fee 36 Months 47 «30 Mont. R217 x 30 Mort. Total Payable R10843 Total Payable R079 Total Payable R386 Total Payable R649 * 2-Year Warranty 122 50% It 250% mu at 22.50% Manhattan Grey Black Grey Top-Loader Top-Loader 4-Plate Washing Machine Washing Stove, OTL 160 Machine Dgss0e 52 2-Year Warranty T1885NEHTE cae ) + 2-Year 4 Botincluded ree Guarantee fey 980 soon 2-Plate Mini Oven Mirror-Door So Nao cer @LG = R1099 Microwave oven R1599 Microwave Oven R2649 NeoChet x Eon epost 1. H20MOMS11 Oepost R160. HSOMOMS9H epost aes. Microwave Oven = RUtx 30 Monts.» 2-Year Guarantee RiSxa0 iene © 2-Year Guarantee RiQ0 x30 Monts. MS4235GIS Teal Payable R116 Total Payable R37 Tots Payable S680 © 2-Year Guarantee 312250 it at 22.50% ht a2 it R1249 R33999 27999 —«-R23999 ox *699 R969 = 1800W Ravel eons Depoat 897 Depost A125. on Rizo a Bere rE ane Glass Kettle tron RU20108L Spiral Hotplate Je meee 12 pi 8 aS To pale R227 ‘nl Fai R04 GRK-017 ™ SDS-2008D i 225006 it NE oo f & ‘ S Wes 18V Cordless at a 4 Impact Drill Wet & Di J! @ A Nairlipper é Vacuum - kit r J ley evi ios Puc ae)

Latest specials

SS Ue aS See eee a tll a PS eS ad 3470 Deposit R690. Total Payable R12460 at 22.5% Int. a eric aa ert) Titanium TIGRE Aad R3699 wetaiiic R4949 Se R4999 inocrinisn R4Q99 wetanic R Destro. Top-Freezer — oeoostnass. Batt epeathsod Bottom-Freezer —oexosinsin. Bottom- Rois 130 Months. Fridge R26? 36 Months. R268 x36 Months. Fridge with Roxon Se Monts. Freez Tarroonennite KTCETME Tanita DACA47 Terence Gricge erreurs Ee 2s S DYear A250 3+ 2 Years A225 Depenser 2250 OURS a Guarantee WOR cig H310BIT-WO *5-Year (EFY) Worant *5-Year Guarantee Satin-Metallic : Guarantee Bottom-Freezer Fridge with Water Dispenser DAC645 in ©9342 Years (with registration) Warranty * Static ° 4-Star Freezer — * Slimline Water Dispenser * integrated Handle +ENERGY L276] nara By isrination EES evency H 1850mm 2 arias ae taaas 4 W 600nm 650mm }o cram si ENJOY PEACE OF MIND Ears sy WARRANTY eee or et aren ‘ . Gat iaeg GFR260DB (with registration) ul Nn D 725mm a 1 @ Ceran Hob with Touch Control Panel R5799 83949 R3299 Depost 8580. epost Depot 395. Deposit R90. OHDAOBA 02 36 Moats Fee 36 Months 47 «30 Mont. R217 x 30 Mort. Total Payable R10843 Total Payable R079 Total Payable R386 Total Payable R649 * 2-Year Warranty 122 50% It 250% mu at 22.50% Manhattan Grey Black Grey Top-Loader Top-Loader 4-Plate Washing Machine Washing Stove, OTL 160 Machine Dgss0e 52 2-Year Warranty T1885NEHTE cae ) + 2-Year 4 Botincluded ree Guarantee fey 980 soon 2-Plate Mini Oven Mirror-Door So Nao cer @LG = R1099 Microwave oven R1599 Microwave Oven R2649 NeoChet x Eon epost 1. H20MOMS11 Oepost R160. HSOMOMS9H epost aes. Microwave Oven = RUtx 30 Monts.» 2-Year Guarantee RiSxa0 iene © 2-Year Guarantee RiQ0 x30 Monts. MS4235GIS Teal Payable R116 Total Payable R37 Tots Payable S680 © 2-Year Guarantee 312250 it at 22.50% ht a2 it R1249 R33999 27999 —«-R23999 ox *699 R969 = 1800W Ravel eons Depoat 897 Depost A125. on Rizo a Bere rE ane Glass Kettle tron RU20108L Spiral Hotplate Je meee 12 pi 8 aS To pale R227 ‘nl Fai R04 GRK-017 ™ SDS-2008D i 225006 it NE oo f & ‘ S Wes 18V Cordless at a 4 Impact Drill Wet & Di J! @ A Nairlipper é Vacuum - kit r J ley evi ios Puc ae)

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