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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 23.01 to 05.02 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 23.01.2023 - 05.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAVE"900 SONY SAVE"300 Hisense SAVE"70 @meury 5.1-Channel Soundbar 5.1.2-Channel Soundbar M369 with Subwoofer M6699 with Wireless Subwoofer M349 bey ah ; Dorcel re ia HT-S20R pean mn U5120G « 510W bat A Sealy * 400W ¢ 2-Year Guarantee Wars ae tee * 2-Year Guarantee at 24% it at 24% Int pa S ~~ Hom USB DOLBY SAVE Total Payable M2379 Us SAVE™200 TELEFUNKEN ME ™1000 at M1799 Home 5999 M659 mT 99 Feet ten aoe » 11) M79 x 30 Months, © THT-4000HDMI ee Ea Herbs, 9 at 24% Int. ere =— Jve Gey bier CASH PRICE CPH3000. aS XS-N728PB "15999 vom 2YD + 4800W 8 — use Mercury ess Werreg) PA System * Portable PA System, * Built-in Protection * Power Handling Nominal (RMS) & Power Handling Program * Vertical Array System * Powerfull Active Subwoofer = Piste Streaming * Includes Pantum 2200 Mono B&W Printer, Stereo 2.0 Speakers, SAVE "200 a Briace Modes 92GB Hikvision Flash Drive, 12-Month Subscription AVG Internet Vj Security, LibreOffice & Mail Client 5 * Intel Celeron Series N4020 * Windows 10 Pro Operating System Deposit M600 + 1-Year Omni-Technical Solutions Warranty Moa 30 Months Total Payable M7440 at 24% Int. 4GB Y !28c TOSHIBA Coy Wea 14” Celeron Bundle C40-G11 SAVE "30 SAVE "50 SAVE"100 SAVE"30 guies@ SAVE "30 M269 Mg49 M1099 M469 oan M3199 HIKVISION’ he 30 Months Neo 50 Mois Noe S0 vents, Bracket ewes@ 128GB Total Payable M989 Total Payable M1829 Total Payable M769 BAMEWMS09- 4-Way Flash Drive at 24% Int at 24% int at 24% Int. 44aT Surge Protector Vv HIKVISION’ Ons FBWPX4/3. ‘ALSO AVAILABLE LS 256GB a Se ony a ° Rocans Neo Stick E468 Fash Dive SSD Drive MBX-NEO-01 MaaMeoS0 egrocant Card + Adaptor WiFi NOW ONLY M19" http://www. -¢ CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0961 11 22 13 (NITE ne Umeda aera ea Google Assistant * Bluetooth 5.0 “Fr eed Ei & ices addr opal win Lesotho any tems nde depot VAT nd fence rps but xe srr never cares, uns ese aed. Bing aan att pay of ak steer to ensure rapid espoen your cot apcrtonL2yb avable on selected tock Enq rstre x more das Standard ems and Condonsagpy Al pode ndcied in res ae net valve Shad you el ary tom 5 heaper at any oer retake pronde agate cr cae atsioque an we wl efi he ference pls So he cerenc. Ths canon on te Gy ofthe purse rom OK Fut an the perder wich he pe rom Oc Fumie vad foc and nat eer This fle exude Store Openings, Clearances and Lined Quaryofers Products are avaiable om ll branches, powever. du tu vast range, al preduts may nt neces be 1oncipay nal stes Accesses payed areal dplayed as eras and are net ncded nthe adverse price Sadan eer occur oe ncmpleenfamatenbe ped ms avert we wil pay ante tre with al he comet deta. BRANCHES: BUTHA BUTHE: (0266 2246 1687, LERIBE: 00205) 2240 0474, MAPUTSOE: (11266) 2243054 MASERU: (00265) 2232 4068, MASERU MALL: (0255) 2283 C353, MAFETENG: {026) 2270 0360, TEYATEYANENG: (00265) 22500682, SEFIKA: (00256) 232 7275, MOHALE'S HOEK: (00266) 525000618289, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11456 700, No Dealers alowed. ESOE baa GS

Latest specials

SAVE"900 SONY SAVE"300 Hisense SAVE"70 @meury 5.1-Channel Soundbar 5.1.2-Channel Soundbar M369 with Subwoofer M6699 with Wireless Subwoofer M349 bey ah ; Dorcel re ia HT-S20R pean mn U5120G « 510W bat A Sealy * 400W ¢ 2-Year Guarantee Wars ae tee * 2-Year Guarantee at 24% it at 24% Int pa S ~~ Hom USB DOLBY SAVE Total Payable M2379 Us SAVE™200 TELEFUNKEN ME ™1000 at M1799 Home 5999 M659 mT 99 Feet ten aoe » 11) M79 x 30 Months, © THT-4000HDMI ee Ea Herbs, 9 at 24% Int. ere =— Jve Gey bier CASH PRICE CPH3000. aS XS-N728PB "15999 vom 2YD + 4800W 8 — use Mercury ess Werreg) PA System * Portable PA System, * Built-in Protection * Power Handling Nominal (RMS) & Power Handling Program * Vertical Array System * Powerfull Active Subwoofer = Piste Streaming * Includes Pantum 2200 Mono B&W Printer, Stereo 2.0 Speakers, SAVE "200 a Briace Modes 92GB Hikvision Flash Drive, 12-Month Subscription AVG Internet Vj Security, LibreOffice & Mail Client 5 * Intel Celeron Series N4020 * Windows 10 Pro Operating System Deposit M600 + 1-Year Omni-Technical Solutions Warranty Moa 30 Months Total Payable M7440 at 24% Int. 4GB Y !28c TOSHIBA Coy Wea 14” Celeron Bundle C40-G11 SAVE "30 SAVE "50 SAVE"100 SAVE"30 guies@ SAVE "30 M269 Mg49 M1099 M469 oan M3199 HIKVISION’ he 30 Months Neo 50 Mois Noe S0 vents, Bracket ewes@ 128GB Total Payable M989 Total Payable M1829 Total Payable M769 BAMEWMS09- 4-Way Flash Drive at 24% Int at 24% int at 24% Int. 44aT Surge Protector Vv HIKVISION’ Ons FBWPX4/3. ‘ALSO AVAILABLE LS 256GB a Se ony a ° Rocans Neo Stick E468 Fash Dive SSD Drive MBX-NEO-01 MaaMeoS0 egrocant Card + Adaptor WiFi NOW ONLY M19" http://www. -¢ CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0961 11 22 13 (NITE ne Umeda aera ea Google Assistant * Bluetooth 5.0 “Fr eed Ei & ices addr opal win Lesotho any tems nde depot VAT nd fence rps but xe srr never cares, uns ese aed. Bing aan att pay of ak steer to ensure rapid espoen your cot apcrtonL2yb avable on selected tock Enq rstre x more das Standard ems and Condonsagpy Al pode ndcied in res ae net valve Shad you el ary tom 5 heaper at any oer retake pronde agate cr cae atsioque an we wl efi he ference pls So he cerenc. Ths canon on te Gy ofthe purse rom OK Fut an the perder wich he pe rom Oc Fumie vad foc and nat eer This fle exude Store Openings, Clearances and Lined Quaryofers Products are avaiable om ll branches, powever. du tu vast range, al preduts may nt neces be 1oncipay nal stes Accesses payed areal dplayed as eras and are net ncded nthe adverse price Sadan eer occur oe ncmpleenfamatenbe ped ms avert we wil pay ante tre with al he comet deta. BRANCHES: BUTHA BUTHE: (0266 2246 1687, LERIBE: 00205) 2240 0474, MAPUTSOE: (11266) 2243054 MASERU: (00265) 2232 4068, MASERU MALL: (0255) 2283 C353, MAFETENG: {026) 2270 0360, TEYATEYANENG: (00265) 22500682, SEFIKA: (00256) 232 7275, MOHALE'S HOEK: (00266) 525000618289, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11456 700, No Dealers alowed. ESOE baa GS

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