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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 20.02 to 05.03 - Page nb 7

Special OK Furniture 20.02.2023 - 05.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

<— |S UsB | Hom xt xt BOUNDLESS SCREEN | OPTIC Digital LHR KXXA Tv. |poLsy | 10+ ie “a 4 Foo. “009 Deposit E890. £369 x 30 Months. Total Payable £10929 at 24% Int. SAMSUNG 4K Smart LED TV UASOAU7000- © 2-Year Guarantee BV eT) E1499 CD Mini Hi-Fi E3§ CK43 ¢ 300W vueuww 02. Deposit E390. 2-Year Guarantee £1E3 "29 Months. Total Payable £4899 at 24% Int. posit E340, E149 x 30 Months, Total Payable £4299 at 24% Int sp) 2 = 6 & Deposit £950 £389 x 30 Months. Total Payable £11649 © 2-Year at 24% Int. —— 2. Chantal CD Mini Hi-Fi HA650 * 800W * 2-Year Guarantee Geer SONY High Power Audio System HCD SHAKE-X10D Guarantee Deposit E1000 £409 x 30 Months. Total Payable £12249 at 24% Int SKYWORTH 4K Android LED TV 65SUD9300F * 3-Year Guarantee Pioneer Dj | Depoet E700. 2-Channel TTT 659 30 Months Smart J mode ig £5699 DJ Controller DDJ-200 Desktop Pair Monitor Speakers DM-50D pet

Latest specials

<— |S UsB | Hom xt xt BOUNDLESS SCREEN | OPTIC Digital LHR KXXA Tv. |poLsy | 10+ ie “a 4 Foo. “009 Deposit E890. £369 x 30 Months. Total Payable £10929 at 24% Int. SAMSUNG 4K Smart LED TV UASOAU7000- © 2-Year Guarantee BV eT) E1499 CD Mini Hi-Fi E3§ CK43 ¢ 300W vueuww 02. Deposit E390. 2-Year Guarantee £1E3 "29 Months. Total Payable £4899 at 24% Int. posit E340, E149 x 30 Months, Total Payable £4299 at 24% Int sp) 2 = 6 & Deposit £950 £389 x 30 Months. Total Payable £11649 © 2-Year at 24% Int. —— 2. Chantal CD Mini Hi-Fi HA650 * 800W * 2-Year Guarantee Geer SONY High Power Audio System HCD SHAKE-X10D Guarantee Deposit E1000 £409 x 30 Months. Total Payable £12249 at 24% Int SKYWORTH 4K Android LED TV 65SUD9300F * 3-Year Guarantee Pioneer Dj | Depoet E700. 2-Channel TTT 659 30 Months Smart J mode ig £5699 DJ Controller DDJ-200 Desktop Pair Monitor Speakers DM-50D pet

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