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Current special OK Furniture - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 15.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 15.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite 4 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessori * Base set, bedding and accessories P4969 not included Pria1g “not included s P2799 P399 = 8 ‘Deposit P240. Deposit P300. each 0. P109 x 30 Months Pidex30 Months. Assorted Pobre 30 Mets Total Payable P3069 Total Payable P3789 Yatug Total Payable P639 at 24% Int. at 24% Int Boch x Bho at 24% Int 420cm Homestead Assorted Galaxy Rugs Dawson Tri-Bunk © 160cm x 240cm Add-on * Mattresses, Rabe: bedding and 4 accessories not included RANTEED PEACE OF MIND WITH HE eel So) ok SR 7 Ne Woe sche nc E P1049 452cm Eduze E P10 152cm Georgia PADGGN "Bee P6499 sab) Base Set . Deposit P430. Deposit P650. = 3 = c P179 x 30 Months 269 x 30 Months Total Payable P5349 Total Payable P8019 at 24% Int. =z IP at 24% Int P7999 183cm Chiro-Zone Base Set * 2-Year Guarantee Included Deposit P800. in a 10-Year Service Warranty 329 x 30 Months. Total Payable P9819 at 24% int. u ips: cebook com/OK-Furntre-Botswana-00270665433765 @ Wipe: niatgran conic betowanal TET ors mune viecomcaamnrsosust | Resin gn rem emcee ns ie cr ey ges ce i ee gee or Sr De pet eer re ec a ae ca pace eae a ey fen irre aurora ps oa cea aememamee ak ramen Mey cemmteres aya ge criertete ime a trea ave este Be ereeany Orne eee adrenal e, atcadie eg er aeevantrora nas ss cree ay Hatin corset cartes cote etc grea nae eect Sova eae Eee UPTON Pgs nk ie tS no onc nm ee true ence SCA SHOUT), RSTO Res ea sn ee eeu ose Sa ae OS SP a Be RS (i 2s 5 Bao wt ieee Cen rete mE SORES reo: CREO SREP toe eae ath Ss ae tae BOBOOKF246

Latest specials

3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite 4 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessori * Base set, bedding and accessories P4969 not included Pria1g “not included s P2799 P399 = 8 ‘Deposit P240. Deposit P300. each 0. P109 x 30 Months Pidex30 Months. Assorted Pobre 30 Mets Total Payable P3069 Total Payable P3789 Yatug Total Payable P639 at 24% Int. at 24% Int Boch x Bho at 24% Int 420cm Homestead Assorted Galaxy Rugs Dawson Tri-Bunk © 160cm x 240cm Add-on * Mattresses, Rabe: bedding and 4 accessories not included RANTEED PEACE OF MIND WITH HE eel So) ok SR 7 Ne Woe sche nc E P1049 452cm Eduze E P10 152cm Georgia PADGGN "Bee P6499 sab) Base Set . Deposit P430. Deposit P650. = 3 = c P179 x 30 Months 269 x 30 Months Total Payable P5349 Total Payable P8019 at 24% Int. =z IP at 24% Int P7999 183cm Chiro-Zone Base Set * 2-Year Guarantee Included Deposit P800. in a 10-Year Service Warranty 329 x 30 Months. Total Payable P9819 at 24% int. u ips: cebook com/OK-Furntre-Botswana-00270665433765 @ Wipe: niatgran conic betowanal TET ors mune viecomcaamnrsosust | Resin gn rem emcee ns ie cr ey ges ce i ee gee or Sr De pet eer re ec a ae ca pace eae a ey fen irre aurora ps oa cea aememamee ak ramen Mey cemmteres aya ge criertete ime a trea ave este Be ereeany Orne eee adrenal e, atcadie eg er aeevantrora nas ss cree ay Hatin corset cartes cote etc grea nae eect Sova eae Eee UPTON Pgs nk ie tS no onc nm ee true ence SCA SHOUT), RSTO Res ea sn ee eeu ose Sa ae OS SP a Be RS (i 2s 5 Bao wt ieee Cen rete mE SORES reo: CREO SREP toe eae ath Ss ae tae BOBOOKF246

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