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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 1

Special MTN 01.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

December 2022 ~ WIN tof 10 Mini FIFA World Cup Trophies. See in store for details. TTR a Pat) CTE ere laTe] reUreReKanrela reer aa World Cup trophy* Nin ee vivo V25 5G LTE Eee =tareloltt MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS 379 PMx36, 499 PMx36 Cash Deal R12 589 ° Cash Deal R17 159 oe a) vivoTWS # 44W Flash + 6Months' Free Screen Earpods S Charger Replacement +Sereen Protector WORTH R6 999 Available with the vivo V25 5G and the vivo V25e your share of R200 M i I I io n 2 For more information on these . or r deals, scan the QR code. iret = in prizes. WIN every day for 100 days. Join, upgrade or recharge with bundles. “FIFA Trophy Replica: The prize is limited to 10 FIFA World Cup min repica trophies with vivo branding. Offer is avaloble for in-store purchases of th (veg Ve dng v25 St device uri 01/12/2022 312/202 Winer be chosen ough rondo Mel ow Cistomers must retin tar proof of trehaes. Compeltion excludes purchore of any other vivo devices ond axcestor oro cosh reward MIN Summer {alec benefits of Hts Sumer romaion oy beinzon cave MTN aberber “cess Mth Gis aly ad tam Yourprces aay oy evreky a ‘willbe evalgble on "2340 and on the MTN App. The promotion fs aval fem 23/09/2022 ~ 31/01/2023, MIN Moge Pla rn Megs ‘New MIN Met ar og month conte, Customers nol TN Mego Moa exuding Mr o-Honwilecen Tove once of aaatanceaf one vor SO days) For full Terms and Conditions on al produce and promfions, see p33 oF vist minicaze. EOE

Latest specials

December 2022 ~ WIN tof 10 Mini FIFA World Cup Trophies. See in store for details. TTR a Pat) CTE ere laTe] reUreReKanrela reer aa World Cup trophy* Nin ee vivo V25 5G LTE Eee =tareloltt MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS 379 PMx36, 499 PMx36 Cash Deal R12 589 ° Cash Deal R17 159 oe a) vivoTWS # 44W Flash + 6Months' Free Screen Earpods S Charger Replacement +Sereen Protector WORTH R6 999 Available with the vivo V25 5G and the vivo V25e your share of R200 M i I I io n 2 For more information on these . or r deals, scan the QR code. iret = in prizes. WIN every day for 100 days. Join, upgrade or recharge with bundles. “FIFA Trophy Replica: The prize is limited to 10 FIFA World Cup min repica trophies with vivo branding. Offer is avaloble for in-store purchases of th (veg Ve dng v25 St device uri 01/12/2022 312/202 Winer be chosen ough rondo Mel ow Cistomers must retin tar proof of trehaes. Compeltion excludes purchore of any other vivo devices ond axcestor oro cosh reward MIN Summer {alec benefits of Hts Sumer romaion oy beinzon cave MTN aberber “cess Mth Gis aly ad tam Yourprces aay oy evreky a ‘willbe evalgble on "2340 and on the MTN App. The promotion fs aval fem 23/09/2022 ~ 31/01/2023, MIN Moge Pla rn Megs ‘New MIN Met ar og month conte, Customers nol TN Mego Moa exuding Mr o-Honwilecen Tove once of aaatanceaf one vor SO days) For full Terms and Conditions on al produce and promfions, see p33 oF vist minicaze. EOE

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