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Current special Makro - New Year - Valid from 09.01 to 26.02 - Page nb 20

Special Makro 09.01.2023 - 26.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

TNO dua 38 Renae be in stock, but due to unforeseen high ete ere gee availability. 720 W Inverter Kit with Trolley 1440 W Inverter Kit with Trolley + Mediied sine wave » Mulifvnction (CB display « Buzae orm *Indudes 1102 Amp deep cyte batery | (soaor1) (04012) in green and 3 kVA Digital Inverter Generator 2,2 KVA Digital Inverter Generator {Had Cao 2 elms ow eet + Emergency boop power * Comping, outdoor, eroven, i rng method » Con be coneced poral ‘ed (31436; 453478; 453477) L (445468) 2 KVA Inverter Generator Model: RG-2000|« 4sroke, air cooled engine ZENA pre sine wove generator isi ‘+ Emergency back-up power (431477) = Sere Serge pa N i a} 5.5 kVA 4-Stroke Key-Start Petrol 2,5 kVA Pull Start Petrol Generator Generator Engine: 4stroke air-cooled = L | Atos pda 550 POWERALESS POWERALESS 2. kW Mobivolt Micro Model: Pa-MMG2000 + Pure sine wave ouput ‘USB output pots + 2x 220V AC universlplogs + Wireless charging for smart devices (445992) 0.5 kW Mobivolt Micro + Node: P&L-MMGOS00 « Pure sine wave output 4 4X USB outpt ports + 1 220 V AC universal plugs * Wireless chorging for smart devices (445903), DEAE tomanion™ Inligent2stogs baer charger * Buzzer alarm + Inudes 2 x 102 Amp deep cycle bateries 7,5, kVA Electric-Start Generator | ‘ Houd SROEBS00E A soge digit meet | | + Alone wohoge regulter 992548) |____ oe | = J + Overoad protection switch (285367) i = (easy eit 1600 W Hybrid Inverter Trolley | 2 | + Model GINVERTER? » 2 x ogm 100 Ah batteries © ED lights (437453), AVA Digital Inverter Generator | | * Model: GP4D8OIS » Produces 58 db noise ot 7m open-cir {Pure sne wove * Renate power 0/6H wing femoie convo Indes porch cbles, f waaay l ° GRIP rating | 7.5 kVA 4-stroke Key-Start Petrol | | Generator ‘Model: RC-7900K + Automatic veltoge regulotor (AVR) ' | CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS "makro card" to 31144 | For store details visit makro a 20 03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023 EieD Mee dl teem homed gent aod el poh chesrae 3 mo on erent ce “Towa ntevrd doe nd eit on he mad app Sino oe itn, Mere wl hare afin dock me orn more Shf ga on iri Mero wil rar et ey hae ice comet a z setion nor tao ahr ov eget od = Spy onchs soe ber \Soesvea tro Saat pe ysl tir Monet

Latest specials

TNO dua 38 Renae be in stock, but due to unforeseen high ete ere gee availability. 720 W Inverter Kit with Trolley 1440 W Inverter Kit with Trolley + Mediied sine wave » Mulifvnction (CB display « Buzae orm *Indudes 1102 Amp deep cyte batery | (soaor1) (04012) in green and 3 kVA Digital Inverter Generator 2,2 KVA Digital Inverter Generator {Had Cao 2 elms ow eet + Emergency boop power * Comping, outdoor, eroven, i rng method » Con be coneced poral ‘ed (31436; 453478; 453477) L (445468) 2 KVA Inverter Generator Model: RG-2000|« 4sroke, air cooled engine ZENA pre sine wove generator isi ‘+ Emergency back-up power (431477) = Sere Serge pa N i a} 5.5 kVA 4-Stroke Key-Start Petrol 2,5 kVA Pull Start Petrol Generator Generator Engine: 4stroke air-cooled = L | Atos pda 550 POWERALESS POWERALESS 2. kW Mobivolt Micro Model: Pa-MMG2000 + Pure sine wave ouput ‘USB output pots + 2x 220V AC universlplogs + Wireless charging for smart devices (445992) 0.5 kW Mobivolt Micro + Node: P&L-MMGOS00 « Pure sine wave output 4 4X USB outpt ports + 1 220 V AC universal plugs * Wireless chorging for smart devices (445903), DEAE tomanion™ Inligent2stogs baer charger * Buzzer alarm + Inudes 2 x 102 Amp deep cycle bateries 7,5, kVA Electric-Start Generator | ‘ Houd SROEBS00E A soge digit meet | | + Alone wohoge regulter 992548) |____ oe | = J + Overoad protection switch (285367) i = (easy eit 1600 W Hybrid Inverter Trolley | 2 | + Model GINVERTER? » 2 x ogm 100 Ah batteries © ED lights (437453), AVA Digital Inverter Generator | | * Model: GP4D8OIS » Produces 58 db noise ot 7m open-cir {Pure sne wove * Renate power 0/6H wing femoie convo Indes porch cbles, f waaay l ° GRIP rating | 7.5 kVA 4-stroke Key-Start Petrol | | Generator ‘Model: RC-7900K + Automatic veltoge regulotor (AVR) ' | CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS "makro card" to 31144 | For store details visit makro a 20 03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023 EieD Mee dl teem homed gent aod el poh chesrae 3 mo on erent ce “Towa ntevrd doe nd eit on he mad app Sino oe itn, Mere wl hare afin dock me orn more Shf ga on iri Mero wil rar et ey hae ice comet a z setion nor tao ahr ov eget od = Spy onchs soe ber \Soesvea tro Saat pe ysl tir Monet

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