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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 14.11 to 24.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 14.11.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

WALLS & CEILINGS a FIRED EARTH 20 ¢ Walls & Ceilings Paint * Colour: white * High-hiding (391519) 20 ¢ Roofguard * Colour: stondard * Finish: low sheen (154519) Promotion valid from Monday 14 November to Saturday 24 December 2022 eae 4] FIRERRTH E q . 20 ¢ Severe \ Weather ae ; x eres eee ; +e | Rubber co (391453) FRED ry * Protects, coos, insulates (440998) oa Aluminium Ladder 6-Step (387267) + 2d m Actrome 8-Step (988578) 20 ¢ Micatex + 1.2m A-frame 4-Step * Colour: white or stondard ++ 15-year product quality guarantee (26742; 27043; 129076; 129084; 129086; 129087; 129089) (388580) + Safe working load: 115 kg + Aram + Singlesided ladder 20 ¢ Contractors Acrylic PVA * Colour: white “ror ond exer» High ding (365119) Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. MKNTGM235, 47/2022 Mokro.KK/TM 1

Latest specials

WALLS & CEILINGS a FIRED EARTH 20 ¢ Walls & Ceilings Paint * Colour: white * High-hiding (391519) 20 ¢ Roofguard * Colour: stondard * Finish: low sheen (154519) Promotion valid from Monday 14 November to Saturday 24 December 2022 eae 4] FIRERRTH E q . 20 ¢ Severe \ Weather ae ; x eres eee ; +e | Rubber co (391453) FRED ry * Protects, coos, insulates (440998) oa Aluminium Ladder 6-Step (387267) + 2d m Actrome 8-Step (988578) 20 ¢ Micatex + 1.2m A-frame 4-Step * Colour: white or stondard ++ 15-year product quality guarantee (26742; 27043; 129076; 129084; 129086; 129087; 129089) (388580) + Safe working load: 115 kg + Aram + Singlesided ladder 20 ¢ Contractors Acrylic PVA * Colour: white “ror ond exer» High ding (365119) Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. MKNTGM235, 47/2022 Mokro.KK/TM 1

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