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Current special Makro - Valid from 02.04 to 01.05 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 02.04.2023 - 01.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 100 40 mm Brass Padlocks (396746) SAVE 50 os vel Padlock MACKIE por 2-pack SAVE 20 gee [139 | *Wordened see shackle ++ Double locking shackle - AY, Tulip or Round Cylinder Knobset * Model AOC¥9-5716-560% » Colour: met blade “+ Key/ push button operation * Reversible foichbol { Cenrnion rting: 96 hours 1451960, 451974) TRI-CIRCLE 38 mm Brass Long Shackle Padlock ors4a 139 - Va stcaiaaig 9D me a msn 6F aa mae 289 | 299 | a Sa. ED oa ® Lever Security Gate Lock 149 SAVE 20 faeon nem iecing oat SAT ie iaise 109 | 379 | 1000 x 2150 mm Aluglide Security Gate (29597) Ll | xX) i] XAT Nd Onda 3 Lockset Cuneo 31 Lockset + Alerinsm hondles oo wre bock pote + Aluminium hondles on shel back plote » SABS “Mendes tchprey ted TO eon sos * Hondles sab-spray tested Yo 100 hours (651955). "329 | 70 SAVE 70 15/2023 Makro/TVOL, MKNTGMBO7 Promotion valid from Sunday 2 Api Ye Monday 1 May 2023 3 makro a

Latest specials

SAVE 100 40 mm Brass Padlocks (396746) SAVE 50 os vel Padlock MACKIE por 2-pack SAVE 20 gee [139 | *Wordened see shackle ++ Double locking shackle - AY, Tulip or Round Cylinder Knobset * Model AOC¥9-5716-560% » Colour: met blade “+ Key/ push button operation * Reversible foichbol { Cenrnion rting: 96 hours 1451960, 451974) TRI-CIRCLE 38 mm Brass Long Shackle Padlock ors4a 139 - Va stcaiaaig 9D me a msn 6F aa mae 289 | 299 | a Sa. ED oa ® Lever Security Gate Lock 149 SAVE 20 faeon nem iecing oat SAT ie iaise 109 | 379 | 1000 x 2150 mm Aluglide Security Gate (29597) Ll | xX) i] XAT Nd Onda 3 Lockset Cuneo 31 Lockset + Alerinsm hondles oo wre bock pote + Aluminium hondles on shel back plote » SABS “Mendes tchprey ted TO eon sos * Hondles sab-spray tested Yo 100 hours (651955). "329 | 70 SAVE 70 15/2023 Makro/TVOL, MKNTGMBO7 Promotion valid from Sunday 2 Api Ye Monday 1 May 2023 3 makro a

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