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Current special Lewis Stores - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 14.11 to 10.12 - Page nb 20

Special Lewis Stores 14.11.2022 - 10.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

oe ie % le a ;TERMS+|M9819X24] DEPOSIT: M1350) [INCLUDES ALI COSTS) Kelvinator => eS sTERMS/M1427)X24 DEBOSIT:]M2000} INCLUDESJALINCOSTS) STERMSM11839)X24) DEROSIT:]M.2600) [INCLUDESYALINCOSTS) ~ OPTIONAL INSURANCE __ OFFERS YOU THE FOLLOWING BENEFI (WHERE APPLICAB GED rene rare 23.25%. a 1 Z =~ i Kelvinator > = Te! D 1 Y efelelye ;TERMS:M1427)X24 DEROSIT:]M2000) INCLUDES/ALIKCOSTS) STERMS*1M2045)X24) DEPOSIT: M2900) IINCLUDES)ALINCOSTS) DAMAGE INSURANCE THEFT INSURANCE Kelvinator > \ a COMTI ra elelele KY sTERMS: M741, X24, DEROSIT: M1000) i inet UDESTALCOTS) = Se ? @ Russell Hobbs: Ge Wf: v STERMS: M878)X24) DEPOSIT: M1200, INCLUDESJALINCOSTS) im Ni Teri | STERMS:/M17719X24) DEPOSIT: M2500} INCLUDESYALITCOSTS) DEATH INSURANCE Shoal om ir product be accidently _Inthe event of the theft of your product, _ In the event of the account holder's death, damag DISABILITY INSU RANCE We will settle your outstandi oe eee will repair or replace it. we will replace it with a new product. the outstanding balance will be settled in full. RETRENCHMENT INSURANCE Should you be retrenched, we will settle your account.

Latest specials

oe ie % le a ;TERMS+|M9819X24] DEPOSIT: M1350) [INCLUDES ALI COSTS) Kelvinator => eS sTERMS/M1427)X24 DEBOSIT:]M2000} INCLUDESJALINCOSTS) STERMSM11839)X24) DEROSIT:]M.2600) [INCLUDESYALINCOSTS) ~ OPTIONAL INSURANCE __ OFFERS YOU THE FOLLOWING BENEFI (WHERE APPLICAB GED rene rare 23.25%. a 1 Z =~ i Kelvinator > = Te! D 1 Y efelelye ;TERMS:M1427)X24 DEROSIT:]M2000) INCLUDES/ALIKCOSTS) STERMS*1M2045)X24) DEPOSIT: M2900) IINCLUDES)ALINCOSTS) DAMAGE INSURANCE THEFT INSURANCE Kelvinator > \ a COMTI ra elelele KY sTERMS: M741, X24, DEROSIT: M1000) i inet UDESTALCOTS) = Se ? @ Russell Hobbs: Ge Wf: v STERMS: M878)X24) DEPOSIT: M1200, INCLUDESJALINCOSTS) im Ni Teri | STERMS:/M17719X24) DEPOSIT: M2500} INCLUDESYALITCOSTS) DEATH INSURANCE Shoal om ir product be accidently _Inthe event of the theft of your product, _ In the event of the account holder's death, damag DISABILITY INSU RANCE We will settle your outstandi oe eee will repair or replace it. we will replace it with a new product. the outstanding balance will be settled in full. RETRENCHMENT INSURANCE Should you be retrenched, we will settle your account.

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