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Current special Lewis Stores - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 14.11 to 10.12 - Page nb 21

Special Lewis Stores 14.11.2022 - 10.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

a E : ee i IX ond REM tH in WV ry Lb = Sey VY VY. TW SRV on on | oan ed oy EN ALLY emt Wao any FLT Sn Wh nee 4: en | el KTERMS:|NS360)X18} DEPOSIT: NS1000) Foeposir” INCLUDES/ALL COSTS) INCLUDES/ALLECOSTS} 50 INCH ANDROID i 58 INCH ANDROID ue Rs a , Sa) YY Y BAX EX EE s RPA Ce aa Sees RP eT NeW Len en AT NS12 999 \ am ITN S074 eel he | Ghee <9) a] r ~~] 1w] U Se at, 32 INCH LED TV IAS TERMS: NS938)X18 | DEROSIT: NS2800} AVAILABLE AT NS$3 999 [INCLUDESTALIECOSTS) WHILE STOCKS LAST TT > A 7] ss a om LED 1a yd ue 40 INCH FHD LED TV we I | STOCKS L/ oe ' a CLoeer) Pak io CT ore “LED TV tha TV, YY wr ITN S394, 7. ee | Oe om GTERMS:1NS328)X18] DEPOSIT: NS900) “ TERMS: /NS495)X18) DEBOSIT:NS1400) 42 re ec) aay ros 5 a5g are NY Wy A IN SY meee Gon eon oS) oa AA STERMS:INS 360)X18] DEBOSIT:|NS1000) [INCLUDESYALIRCOSTS} DEROSTT:| INCLUDESJALINCOSTS}

Latest specials

a E : ee i IX ond REM tH in WV ry Lb = Sey VY VY. TW SRV on on | oan ed oy EN ALLY emt Wao any FLT Sn Wh nee 4: en | el KTERMS:|NS360)X18} DEPOSIT: NS1000) Foeposir” INCLUDES/ALL COSTS) INCLUDES/ALLECOSTS} 50 INCH ANDROID i 58 INCH ANDROID ue Rs a , Sa) YY Y BAX EX EE s RPA Ce aa Sees RP eT NeW Len en AT NS12 999 \ am ITN S074 eel he | Ghee <9) a] r ~~] 1w] U Se at, 32 INCH LED TV IAS TERMS: NS938)X18 | DEROSIT: NS2800} AVAILABLE AT NS$3 999 [INCLUDESTALIECOSTS) WHILE STOCKS LAST TT > A 7] ss a om LED 1a yd ue 40 INCH FHD LED TV we I | STOCKS L/ oe ' a CLoeer) Pak io CT ore “LED TV tha TV, YY wr ITN S394, 7. ee | Oe om GTERMS:1NS328)X18] DEPOSIT: NS900) “ TERMS: /NS495)X18) DEBOSIT:NS1400) 42 re ec) aay ros 5 a5g are NY Wy A IN SY meee Gon eon oS) oa AA STERMS:INS 360)X18] DEBOSIT:|NS1000) [INCLUDESYALIRCOSTS} DEROSTT:| INCLUDESJALINCOSTS}

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