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Current special House & Home - Valid from 08.05 to 21.05 - Page nb 1

Special House & Home 08.05.2023 - 21.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

There’s no place like House ésliome for cosy seasonal essentials Offers valid from 8 — 21 May 2023. While stocks last. 4 pd od TWN Cet pease Sulte A Th 4 3 boda yut Me Sothern PAN ara CAO) aol LeLoL cel at 23% interest. F989: SAVE P1000 aay ed P409 PM x 30 _| Black Glass-Finish P729 PM x 30 SAMSU NG P399 PM X18 | *4ndrold 15 Operating P1000 Deposit. Total payable | Water-on-Tap P1800 Deposit Total payable | BEY CAGE EM) GK Smart eigatiauinuet Soh 2MP SMP Main P12120 at 23% interes Side-by-Side ee : ge a oo | igital LED TV eras ene P9999, SAVE P2700 | He70smIB-wo 1999, + 2-Year Guarantee NG aeeeseets eac SAMSU 5000mAh Batter : : y AcYear Guarantee ji 6.4” Galaxy AS4 Dual Fingerprint Sensor + Bluetooth 5.5, by Atmos + IP67 Dust/Water Resstant (Up to Im for 30mins) * Colour May Vary Gr Gaiay ET Buds Lve CIEE aS P199° i P470 Deposit. Total payable P5790 at 23% interest. P4699, SAVE P8 iyo) I Birk fe Pera ClrTclul Cra late [ee lfo] in a 10-Year Service Warranty

Latest specials

There’s no place like House ésliome for cosy seasonal essentials Offers valid from 8 — 21 May 2023. While stocks last. 4 pd od TWN Cet pease Sulte A Th 4 3 boda yut Me Sothern PAN ara CAO) aol LeLoL cel at 23% interest. F989: SAVE P1000 aay ed P409 PM x 30 _| Black Glass-Finish P729 PM x 30 SAMSU NG P399 PM X18 | *4ndrold 15 Operating P1000 Deposit. Total payable | Water-on-Tap P1800 Deposit Total payable | BEY CAGE EM) GK Smart eigatiauinuet Soh 2MP SMP Main P12120 at 23% interes Side-by-Side ee : ge a oo | igital LED TV eras ene P9999, SAVE P2700 | He70smIB-wo 1999, + 2-Year Guarantee NG aeeeseets eac SAMSU 5000mAh Batter : : y AcYear Guarantee ji 6.4” Galaxy AS4 Dual Fingerprint Sensor + Bluetooth 5.5, by Atmos + IP67 Dust/Water Resstant (Up to Im for 30mins) * Colour May Vary Gr Gaiay ET Buds Lve CIEE aS P199° i P470 Deposit. Total payable P5790 at 23% interest. P4699, SAVE P8 iyo) I Birk fe Pera ClrTclul Cra late [ee lfo] in a 10-Year Service Warranty

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