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Current special House & Home - Valid from 19.09 to 02.10 - Page nb 2

Special House & Home 19.09.2022 - 02.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Hisense Titanium Inox-Finish Water-on-Tap Bottom-Freezer Fridge H370BIT-WD + 4-Year Guarantee ——_—_—_—_—.._ SAVE °650 450 deposit. Total payable P5550 | r PLES Ly at 23% interes ae | Bkxtine H 1420mm Satin-Metallic Water-on-Tap Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge DFF447/458 *342 Years (with registration) Warranty ENERGY RATING H 1805mm. W. 550mm D 566mm P C 2599 Metallic Chest Freezer CF210 DMF451 #342 Years (with registration) Warranty P3 199 Univa UC310W White Chest Freezer © 2-Year Guarantee White Top- Metallic Bottom- Freezer Fridge Freezer Fridge KTF 518/1 KBF525/1 * 2-Year ° 2-Year Guarantee Guarantee Scag ENERGY RATING Matt Black Water-on-Tap Side- by-Side Instaview Freezer-Fridge with Ice Dispenser GC-x247CQBV * Contents not included * 2-Year Guarantee b Relele}Hisense H125RWH pS ce ucry : “a TC 7 ow Noise Design * Tempered Glass Shelves | * Reversible Door Design * Freezer Compartment Ee i | A ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY Ps | Akarine RATING RATING H 860mm 1H 860mm H 842mm W 751mm W 1065mm }D 725mm D 635mm 25

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Hisense Titanium Inox-Finish Water-on-Tap Bottom-Freezer Fridge H370BIT-WD + 4-Year Guarantee ——_—_—_—_—.._ SAVE °650 450 deposit. Total payable P5550 | r PLES Ly at 23% interes ae | Bkxtine H 1420mm Satin-Metallic Water-on-Tap Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge DFF447/458 *342 Years (with registration) Warranty ENERGY RATING H 1805mm. W. 550mm D 566mm P C 2599 Metallic Chest Freezer CF210 DMF451 #342 Years (with registration) Warranty P3 199 Univa UC310W White Chest Freezer © 2-Year Guarantee White Top- Metallic Bottom- Freezer Fridge Freezer Fridge KTF 518/1 KBF525/1 * 2-Year ° 2-Year Guarantee Guarantee Scag ENERGY RATING Matt Black Water-on-Tap Side- by-Side Instaview Freezer-Fridge with Ice Dispenser GC-x247CQBV * Contents not included * 2-Year Guarantee b Relele}Hisense H125RWH pS ce ucry : “a TC 7 ow Noise Design * Tempered Glass Shelves | * Reversible Door Design * Freezer Compartment Ee i | A ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY Ps | Akarine RATING RATING H 860mm 1H 860mm H 842mm W 751mm W 1065mm }D 725mm D 635mm 25

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