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Current special House & Home - Valid from 19.09 to 02.10 - Page nb 8

Special House & Home 19.09.2022 - 02.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

5-Piece Panama Bedroom Suite eevee ) 5-Piece Gina Bedroom Suite NS3499 ‘$5999 SON 152cm Logan Base Set , 152cm Hayley Pillow-Top 1-Year Guarantee Included in ~~ Base Set. an 8-Year Service Warranty Sy (9) IT WiHNdR eg ¢ 1-Year Guarantee ered Wel Toa 10-Year Service YOUR SHARE OF Ne ere es eee eu ters DSxeie ue ws6499 w=12499 452cm Grande Base Set san Sealy.) + 1-Year Guarantee Included in sree a 10-Year Service Warranty 483cm Misty Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 20-Year Service Warranty Reyes ne eM DS NS: Homestead Pine Tri-Bunk * Mattresses and bedding not Included SAVE NS2000 | SAVE "52000 I LRESTONIC | i HE pret = MADE IN. a 5-Year Service Warranty * 2-Year Guarantee Included in NAMIBIA | iinet cn/owse ome 1250006742410 © == & customer care line: 0861 00 8861 / 0861 11 3213 © Walvis Bay — (06+ 20002052, eral Park Mal - 061) 204430274 Maarua Mal (061) 200 67/2. Tams and Cantons: ces vere are poate win Nambia on ltrs ice epost. EE and ince ures tutexcte name and dere cage, rescence Nove yur te 3 mnt payee pot ot resdence fot oe an 3 rsx ony expr Sets taser respon our cet pecan No Dept an ers naject ced apr, Does ay have be pn SAS eet «SS re NY rds re aa Fom al banees Mower 3 Gun to ox vast range, al products ray pot necessary be on depay ak stares Al product scad res are rat vale Pre-approved cre subject fo ced check. Sandor Tees a Conds spy tary avalon etd stock Eri e for red Sanda rs and crore app day en ceabe sy et eal pros & qe cee catogle rdw Wi od ite dtc ps ho deren The conte one cy opr tr Hoe & Harn, a tn prt tx wen fe pce rom Hua nn a ade rear Te eres ig eyes seep nes ey in ccna tune er meee eae te ee alts a tie hoprbeGhechrs PTY Lda House & Home tan Acre Franca! Servs Prove asd Shops Reser i wan Asborsed Gest ott No Deals lowed Ere an Oma eco PRICES VALID FROM 19 SEPTEMBER - 2 OCTOBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

Latest specials

5-Piece Panama Bedroom Suite eevee ) 5-Piece Gina Bedroom Suite NS3499 ‘$5999 SON 152cm Logan Base Set , 152cm Hayley Pillow-Top 1-Year Guarantee Included in ~~ Base Set. an 8-Year Service Warranty Sy (9) IT WiHNdR eg ¢ 1-Year Guarantee ered Wel Toa 10-Year Service YOUR SHARE OF Ne ere es eee eu ters DSxeie ue ws6499 w=12499 452cm Grande Base Set san Sealy.) + 1-Year Guarantee Included in sree a 10-Year Service Warranty 483cm Misty Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 20-Year Service Warranty Reyes ne eM DS NS: Homestead Pine Tri-Bunk * Mattresses and bedding not Included SAVE NS2000 | SAVE "52000 I LRESTONIC | i HE pret = MADE IN. a 5-Year Service Warranty * 2-Year Guarantee Included in NAMIBIA | iinet cn/owse ome 1250006742410 © == & customer care line: 0861 00 8861 / 0861 11 3213 © Walvis Bay — (06+ 20002052, eral Park Mal - 061) 204430274 Maarua Mal (061) 200 67/2. Tams and Cantons: ces vere are poate win Nambia on ltrs ice epost. EE and ince ures tutexcte name and dere cage, rescence Nove yur te 3 mnt payee pot ot resdence fot oe an 3 rsx ony expr Sets taser respon our cet pecan No Dept an ers naject ced apr, Does ay have be pn SAS eet «SS re NY rds re aa Fom al banees Mower 3 Gun to ox vast range, al products ray pot necessary be on depay ak stares Al product scad res are rat vale Pre-approved cre subject fo ced check. Sandor Tees a Conds spy tary avalon etd stock Eri e for red Sanda rs and crore app day en ceabe sy et eal pros & qe cee catogle rdw Wi od ite dtc ps ho deren The conte one cy opr tr Hoe & Harn, a tn prt tx wen fe pce rom Hua nn a ade rear Te eres ig eyes seep nes ey in ccna tune er meee eae te ee alts a tie hoprbeGhechrs PTY Lda House & Home tan Acre Franca! Servs Prove asd Shops Reser i wan Asborsed Gest ott No Deals lowed Ere an Oma eco PRICES VALID FROM 19 SEPTEMBER - 2 OCTOBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

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