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Current special Checkers - Valid from 19.10 to 23.10 - Page nb 4

Special Checkers 19.10.2022 - 23.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

a) ANY 2 FOR ey Pana Ins & SAVE R22 ANY 3 FOR ANY 6 FOR BUY 3 FOR Clere Body Crearn/.stion Ab arta 3 5080/2004 {Colgate Trpte Action ‘Toothpaste 2x 2et0Umi por pack Protex Bath Soe AN Varants 8 1509 ‘at Variant 2 $00m Cee Preeti eared ‘Sanex Showor Get LUsterine Mouthwash ‘Al Variants 2 500m! BUY ANY3 & Lg IS , > a VEL ~ Gag ea MN ‘ - va ia -_ : ee aa ES SAVE R20 Nestlé Ceratac Regular Baby Corea! ho Pesdiagure 3+ Vaile Notn Powder 1eko Cherube Senative Fregranes Fragrances Baby Wises x — Be-tish Baby Food Pov ‘a varite 10 ANY 3 FOR BUY 4FOR eee! i 4 a 5 Affordable Healthcare Made Easy ANY 2FOR SAVE R25 i 5 wove | bigger and better per Pee eee ee een tee een eee ee

Latest specials

a) ANY 2 FOR ey Pana Ins & SAVE R22 ANY 3 FOR ANY 6 FOR BUY 3 FOR Clere Body Crearn/.stion Ab arta 3 5080/2004 {Colgate Trpte Action ‘Toothpaste 2x 2et0Umi por pack Protex Bath Soe AN Varants 8 1509 ‘at Variant 2 $00m Cee Preeti eared ‘Sanex Showor Get LUsterine Mouthwash ‘Al Variants 2 500m! BUY ANY3 & Lg IS , > a VEL ~ Gag ea MN ‘ - va ia -_ : ee aa ES SAVE R20 Nestlé Ceratac Regular Baby Corea! ho Pesdiagure 3+ Vaile Notn Powder 1eko Cherube Senative Fregranes Fragrances Baby Wises x — Be-tish Baby Food Pov ‘a varite 10 ANY 3 FOR BUY 4FOR eee! i 4 a 5 Affordable Healthcare Made Easy ANY 2FOR SAVE R25 i 5 wove | bigger and better per Pee eee ee een tee een eee ee

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