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Current special Checkers - Valid from 20.10 to 23.10 - Page nb 4

Special Checkers 20.10.2022 - 23.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

AND GREEN LIVING WELLNESS SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME AUNDRY = (ravib= | | CONCENTRATES (™ wiovecravaste NATURALLY DERIVED CLEANING INGREDIENTS ( crvevty-+ree SAVE MORE WITH THESE DEALS - =a aE ANY 5 FOR Washing Powder 2kg/Liquid Detergent 1,6. Capsules = ——— = DX wren can | Si eee Colgat Dove Bath Soap Rhodes Squish Baby Comfort Fabric Triple Action ‘Al Variants Food Pouch Softener Pouch Toothpaste 3 x 909/100g All Variants 5 x 110m! All Variants Pil 2 4 ar PL (me) = mem Finish Dishwasher lets All Variants 56 per pack — = Domestos Sunlight Detto! All Purpose Plush Supreme Multipurpose Thick Dishwashing Trigger Cleaner Multipurpose Cleaner Bleach All Variants Liquid All Variants All Variants Huggies Dry Comfort Sige mar Rigen wet) Tufty Mortein Handy Andy Dinu 2-Ply Toilet rae ery Black Budget Insecticide Cream Cleaner Rolls All Variants Refuse Bags All Variants All Variants 2x9 per pack eT Ee Rey ad ala Cre Shea LAKEFIELD COFFERS VALIO FROM THURSDAY 20/10/2022 UNTIL SUNDAY 23/10/2022. PRICES APPLY TO CHECKERS FOODS LAKEFIELD, LAKEFIELD SHOPPING CENTRE, 102 NUN ROAD, LAKEFIELD, ENONL SEAFOOD ONLY AVAILABLE AT STORES WITH SEAFOOD COUNTERS. CERTAIN FOODS COOKED FOR STYLING PURPOSES ONLY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UNIT QUANTITIES. NO TRADERS PLEASE. ERRORS & OMMSSKONS EXCEPTED (EBOE. WHILE STOCKS LAST. CUSTOMER CARE LINE 0800 O07 09 (TOL-FREQ). XTRA SAVINGS SUPPORT UNE 0800 3333 8 (TOL-FREE Page 4

Latest specials

AND GREEN LIVING WELLNESS SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME AUNDRY = (ravib= | | CONCENTRATES (™ wiovecravaste NATURALLY DERIVED CLEANING INGREDIENTS ( crvevty-+ree SAVE MORE WITH THESE DEALS - =a aE ANY 5 FOR Washing Powder 2kg/Liquid Detergent 1,6. Capsules = ——— = DX wren can | Si eee Colgat Dove Bath Soap Rhodes Squish Baby Comfort Fabric Triple Action ‘Al Variants Food Pouch Softener Pouch Toothpaste 3 x 909/100g All Variants 5 x 110m! All Variants Pil 2 4 ar PL (me) = mem Finish Dishwasher lets All Variants 56 per pack — = Domestos Sunlight Detto! All Purpose Plush Supreme Multipurpose Thick Dishwashing Trigger Cleaner Multipurpose Cleaner Bleach All Variants Liquid All Variants All Variants Huggies Dry Comfort Sige mar Rigen wet) Tufty Mortein Handy Andy Dinu 2-Ply Toilet rae ery Black Budget Insecticide Cream Cleaner Rolls All Variants Refuse Bags All Variants All Variants 2x9 per pack eT Ee Rey ad ala Cre Shea LAKEFIELD COFFERS VALIO FROM THURSDAY 20/10/2022 UNTIL SUNDAY 23/10/2022. PRICES APPLY TO CHECKERS FOODS LAKEFIELD, LAKEFIELD SHOPPING CENTRE, 102 NUN ROAD, LAKEFIELD, ENONL SEAFOOD ONLY AVAILABLE AT STORES WITH SEAFOOD COUNTERS. CERTAIN FOODS COOKED FOR STYLING PURPOSES ONLY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UNIT QUANTITIES. NO TRADERS PLEASE. ERRORS & OMMSSKONS EXCEPTED (EBOE. WHILE STOCKS LAST. CUSTOMER CARE LINE 0800 O07 09 (TOL-FREQ). XTRA SAVINGS SUPPORT UNE 0800 3333 8 (TOL-FREE Page 4

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