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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 02.10 to 08.10 - Page nb 2

Special Advance Cash&Carry 02.10.2023 - 08.10.2023

Products in this catalogue

a oer @ App Store ADVANCE CASH & CARRY eT Oil Supa Crisp Olive Oi) — Aen Eiea) Flair Maize Meal wm La Familia y { 7 (Coconut Oil} Lafamilia 1L Power Super White Maize Meal tei EG Sun Maize Meal | Meal === white Star va | Sean a Re | Maize & Ls Nata | : SAR | Meal — ZI = -& . - & 205 o =| = Monati Mabela King Korn} rorckossay Mabela Coarse} Golden Delight Rice Mariana Mariana] i i ae <raumnite nied © lite Rice e Shakti Bhog Iwisa Power Samp ‘Super White Biryani samp = ole > Delite RG 5 : I Basmati oh onan = get 7 Shaya Rice} | 3 toy ae . @ Mabela Supreme Cake Fioks SiMe 2.50 x 8s RET r ep J Flait] eon = Y ' hite/ | _—e 7 Cake a e jae White}] § town Flour} J ? ww Bread|] | "egy Bread | P= ora 2 5kq 123 aoe Flour eoaees Flour RY) wile KOT Loma 20 2 a 12540|p a ! XS ae] a | Bakers Dream Golden Cloud] Fairy Light | za Tast ot | pea Cake Flour) === Cake Flour aes i V]| eauesis a 2 5kg x 85) | PREM § 10k9 | ae | py oe ZN SrowFiake Nizams Cake + ees, Self Hf Pop corn | 10 ww = im Flour} C = Risin Seeds ] WeatFlow | 12.5 5 Bky Vial cee) os ; E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit ities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Gash pickup only

Latest specials

a oer @ App Store ADVANCE CASH & CARRY eT Oil Supa Crisp Olive Oi) — Aen Eiea) Flair Maize Meal wm La Familia y { 7 (Coconut Oil} Lafamilia 1L Power Super White Maize Meal tei EG Sun Maize Meal | Meal === white Star va | Sean a Re | Maize & Ls Nata | : SAR | Meal — ZI = -& . - & 205 o =| = Monati Mabela King Korn} rorckossay Mabela Coarse} Golden Delight Rice Mariana Mariana] i i ae <raumnite nied © lite Rice e Shakti Bhog Iwisa Power Samp ‘Super White Biryani samp = ole > Delite RG 5 : I Basmati oh onan = get 7 Shaya Rice} | 3 toy ae . @ Mabela Supreme Cake Fioks SiMe 2.50 x 8s RET r ep J Flait] eon = Y ' hite/ | _—e 7 Cake a e jae White}] § town Flour} J ? ww Bread|] | "egy Bread | P= ora 2 5kq 123 aoe Flour eoaees Flour RY) wile KOT Loma 20 2 a 12540|p a ! XS ae] a | Bakers Dream Golden Cloud] Fairy Light | za Tast ot | pea Cake Flour) === Cake Flour aes i V]| eauesis a 2 5kg x 85) | PREM § 10k9 | ae | py oe ZN SrowFiake Nizams Cake + ees, Self Hf Pop corn | 10 ww = im Flour} C = Risin Seeds ] WeatFlow | 12.5 5 Bky Vial cee) os ; E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit ities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Gash pickup only

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