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Current special Pick n Pay - Gauteng - Valid from 27.12 to 26.01 - Page nb 5

Special Pick n Pay 27.12.2024 - 26.01.2025

Products in this catalogue

‘ale, x ¥ il CrystalMedium = |" Orange Fine X — 4-Colour Mt M1) Salipoint Pens Ballpoint Pens BallPoint Pens. Original ) OR | IIS 443 FREE Pack f 34% Pack 3+2FREE Pack 3 orFine | Ssystal ) Assorted Colours Assorted Colours AssortedEach = Ballpoint 1 é a) ’ Peneach 2g | E \ 7 a : =) im) 4 = ay 7 ons a, = < fy aw l | (iby | Yao cd X x x x 4-Colour = Black ! Cristal Fashion Evolution Kids Evolution BallpointPen few PN Permanent ‘olours Graphite Pencil Stripes Colour Ct t= | Ballpoint Pens 8+ SFREE Pencils 24-Pack ead Cc D Qi 8-Pack EVOLUTION , pee, © ¥, Pastel Marking 1s BID) ne 4 .eO Pencils Colour Pens ‘Crayons = se, oe ated stock = 12-Pacl x Yao Kids Value Pack Assorted Each OF LEARNERS DON'T FINISH SCHOOL* BLNTHS36445_5 Valid in Pick n Pay Supermarkets and Pick n Pay Hypermarkets

Latest specials

‘ale, x ¥ il CrystalMedium = |" Orange Fine X — 4-Colour Mt M1) Salipoint Pens Ballpoint Pens BallPoint Pens. Original ) OR | IIS 443 FREE Pack f 34% Pack 3+2FREE Pack 3 orFine | Ssystal ) Assorted Colours Assorted Colours AssortedEach = Ballpoint 1 é a) ’ Peneach 2g | E \ 7 a : =) im) 4 = ay 7 ons a, = < fy aw l | (iby | Yao cd X x x x 4-Colour = Black ! Cristal Fashion Evolution Kids Evolution BallpointPen few PN Permanent ‘olours Graphite Pencil Stripes Colour Ct t= | Ballpoint Pens 8+ SFREE Pencils 24-Pack ead Cc D Qi 8-Pack EVOLUTION , pee, © ¥, Pastel Marking 1s BID) ne 4 .eO Pencils Colour Pens ‘Crayons = se, oe ated stock = 12-Pacl x Yao Kids Value Pack Assorted Each OF LEARNERS DON'T FINISH SCHOOL* BLNTHS36445_5 Valid in Pick n Pay Supermarkets and Pick n Pay Hypermarkets

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