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Current special Tupperware - Valid from 04.01 to 07.02 - Page nb 7

Special Tupperware 04.01.2023 - 07.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

This year | wilt. Take more breaks Tea and coffee breaks are good for relieving pressure and providing some much-needed time out. 997223 Available in the following Space Saver Round 3 Set seal fb (650 ml x 3) R180 or SAVE R135 iy 997224 997222 Vineyard Peacock @® a ee, _ Ea 4 | : 168439 Table Collection Mugs —_ (350 mL x 4) 3 R199 — SAVE R100 @O® Page7

Latest specials

This year | wilt. Take more breaks Tea and coffee breaks are good for relieving pressure and providing some much-needed time out. 997223 Available in the following Space Saver Round 3 Set seal fb (650 ml x 3) R180 or SAVE R135 iy 997224 997222 Vineyard Peacock @® a ee, _ Ea 4 | : 168439 Table Collection Mugs —_ (350 mL x 4) 3 R199 — SAVE R100 @O® Page7

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