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Current special Tupperware - Valid from 05.10 to 08.11 - Page nb 9

Special Tupperware 05.10.2022 - 08.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

FIRES | & Store containers in pull-out drawers. Use for deeper drawers in your kitchen, office, bedroom or bathroom. The organising possibilities are limitless with the Drawer Canister Mega Set. Innovative covers open with one 2 touch +) The covers are designed to be easily opened and closed without having to Q0OOO phe dren Page 3

Latest specials

FIRES | & Store containers in pull-out drawers. Use for deeper drawers in your kitchen, office, bedroom or bathroom. The organising possibilities are limitless with the Drawer Canister Mega Set. Innovative covers open with one 2 touch +) The covers are designed to be easily opened and closed without having to Q0OOO phe dren Page 3

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