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Current special OK Furniture - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Deposit M280. Deposit M400. Deposit M55. 240cem M119_x 30 Months 60x 20 Months, , 29x30 Months. Total Payable M3579 Total Payable M5019 Total Payable M879 at 24% Int at 24% Int. > at 24% Int 420cm Homestead Dawson Tri-Bunk Add-on * Mattresses, Robe bedding and ; accessories not included pl cal era dae Cie lille beh, Toe fo} bie Le 1A ey Ieee 152cm Komati 152cm Austin 152cm Chicago Deposit M700. Base Set Deposit M750 Base Set Deposit M800. Base Set inte, Sntis canis otal Paya fatal Payable otal Payable > at 24% Int, at 24% at24iehnt. ee RESTONIC tac Gi ee CUSTOMER CAE LN: 06% 00 886% or 05113215 IES eS STS [5 Pris advertised are applicable within Lesotho ony Al Terms induce depost VAT and finance charges, but exude insurance and delivery charges, unless otherwise stated. Bring your 1D and latest paysipor hank statement to & ene apd espn our cet appeaton Ly-by vale on eet soc Exgure vlc lr me deta Sv Terms aed Castors ay Al ped cated hres ae in ete Sal aud ry tem & % eape any ert ponds aqui cr cat caogue ane wi end dteoe ps ete rece. Ths scorn on fe ty of be purchase fon OK Furtusond fe pte x wh eps tern (ic a el oT cel re Ce la SN SL a etn RN RL {7 on display in al stores. Accessories dspa | isplayed as etras and ae notincuded in the advertised price. Te delayed payment is applicable to corracs that are 18 monthsin duration or nger. Buy before 30 November 1 2a oy tp ec roche! 2023. Soudan err occur or imation be pete nhs advertisment. we wi ply ant n-torewih al he care deta BRANCHES: BUTHA FPPTST NTS TTT ) 246 1857, LERIBE: (00266) 2240 0474, (0266) 2243 0564, Sa) 2221658 MASERU MAL: 005052250683 MAFETENG 2092270350, TEYATEVAENG: ZR 2250 Ser (00266) 2232 7275, MOHALE’S HOEK: (00266) 5250008} 2/83, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000, No Dealers alowed, EOE

Latest specials

Deposit M280. Deposit M400. Deposit M55. 240cem M119_x 30 Months 60x 20 Months, , 29x30 Months. Total Payable M3579 Total Payable M5019 Total Payable M879 at 24% Int at 24% Int. > at 24% Int 420cm Homestead Dawson Tri-Bunk Add-on * Mattresses, Robe bedding and ; accessories not included pl cal era dae Cie lille beh, Toe fo} bie Le 1A ey Ieee 152cm Komati 152cm Austin 152cm Chicago Deposit M700. Base Set Deposit M750 Base Set Deposit M800. Base Set inte, Sntis canis otal Paya fatal Payable otal Payable > at 24% Int, at 24% at24iehnt. ee RESTONIC tac Gi ee CUSTOMER CAE LN: 06% 00 886% or 05113215 IES eS STS [5 Pris advertised are applicable within Lesotho ony Al Terms induce depost VAT and finance charges, but exude insurance and delivery charges, unless otherwise stated. Bring your 1D and latest paysipor hank statement to & ene apd espn our cet appeaton Ly-by vale on eet soc Exgure vlc lr me deta Sv Terms aed Castors ay Al ped cated hres ae in ete Sal aud ry tem & % eape any ert ponds aqui cr cat caogue ane wi end dteoe ps ete rece. Ths scorn on fe ty of be purchase fon OK Furtusond fe pte x wh eps tern (ic a el oT cel re Ce la SN SL a etn RN RL {7 on display in al stores. Accessories dspa | isplayed as etras and ae notincuded in the advertised price. Te delayed payment is applicable to corracs that are 18 monthsin duration or nger. Buy before 30 November 1 2a oy tp ec roche! 2023. Soudan err occur or imation be pete nhs advertisment. we wi ply ant n-torewih al he care deta BRANCHES: BUTHA FPPTST NTS TTT ) 246 1857, LERIBE: (00266) 2240 0474, (0266) 2243 0564, Sa) 2221658 MASERU MAL: 005052250683 MAFETENG 2092270350, TEYATEVAENG: ZR 2250 Ser (00266) 2232 7275, MOHALE’S HOEK: (00266) 5250008} 2/83, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000, No Dealers alowed, EOE

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