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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.01 to 31.01 - Page nb 2

Special MTN 01.01.2023 - 31.01.2023

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The best smartphones don't have to cost a fortune. Choose a great smartphone that fits your budget. G&> 10GB ey eed ae) Cee ng Recut se a i By a or cS € cS ES ry P+ z fo} KS & Cents a> fo RS BE jt JE Galaxy A13 5G Redmi 10¢ Galaxy A04s wecacicsxs ecartexnias WecaFLEXRI3s R219 R219 R229 Redmi Note 11 MEGA CICS xs R279, Galaxy A53 5G MEGA .GICS xs R329. ig Ca VALUE Nova? MEGA GICS xS R529. MECA CICS xs R299 Nova Y70 MEcA CICS xs R319 “TK A745G MEGA CICS xs R369 iPhone 11 64GB MECACICS R539 Galaxy A73 5G MEGA CICS xS R429, iPhone 13 128GB MEcAcicss R669

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The best smartphones don't have to cost a fortune. Choose a great smartphone that fits your budget. G&> 10GB ey eed ae) Cee ng Recut se a i By a or cS € cS ES ry P+ z fo} KS & Cents a> fo RS BE jt JE Galaxy A13 5G Redmi 10¢ Galaxy A04s wecacicsxs ecartexnias WecaFLEXRI3s R219 R219 R229 Redmi Note 11 MEGA CICS xs R279, Galaxy A53 5G MEGA .GICS xs R329. ig Ca VALUE Nova? MEGA GICS xS R529. MECA CICS xs R299 Nova Y70 MEcA CICS xs R319 “TK A745G MEGA CICS xs R369 iPhone 11 64GB MECACICS R539 Galaxy A73 5G MEGA CICS xS R429, iPhone 13 128GB MEcAcicss R669

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