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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.06 to 30.06 - Page nb 1

Special MTN 01.06.2023 - 30.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

y le J J Oo June 2023 SA's favourite smartphones on SA's best neFwork* U | D E > R250 PER MONTH All deals available on MyMTN Sky plans SSD ee ere fone A04e > i909. Wy 229... WV/ R239... save : m135.... NM m135.. ee oe a eet oN eee d . oe on Ro ee »40y—2e as fi R249... Cash Deol R4 899 OTe} PROUD SPONSOR OF THE SPRINGBOKS \ Hi A Se ase eee ya a rae it ick Rue Doing what it takes PoC ar Ciciae o aii

Latest specials

y le J J Oo June 2023 SA's favourite smartphones on SA's best neFwork* U | D E > R250 PER MONTH All deals available on MyMTN Sky plans SSD ee ere fone A04e > i909. Wy 229... WV/ R239... save : m135.... NM m135.. ee oe a eet oN eee d . oe on Ro ee »40y—2e as fi R249... Cash Deol R4 899 OTe} PROUD SPONSOR OF THE SPRINGBOKS \ Hi A Se ase eee ya a rae it ick Rue Doing what it takes PoC ar Ciciae o aii

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