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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 9

Special MTN 01.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Winning is getting all plans the gigs you need and " all the talking you want Nee —— oe 7 with MTN Mega Plans Winning is affordable data at home or on the go with MTN BozzaGigs LTE PayAsYouGo MTN PayAsYouGo : 7 " 20G B ‘ “a : re " "a5 WAS "499 " = Choose more talk now = SS R299 “ = — 3 sarcoma a ae ae ee = oy -_@ Choose more data a MTN BozzaGigs LTE | PayAsYouGo PayAsYouGo @® Sect ocnee some soome 18 sce a ait Ngpl irene SrarterPack | anaes 2 Voli tor 30 60 a Price F135 10GB @outube ise” —__ ies ©} 10GBso 27s oe wane — SXETYOME WAY PIN. sersewerratsrnnmunne ow Ehunce fo Win your shere of R200 Millon in det prizes on SA's best network” ott needsa WIEN

Latest specials

Winning is getting all plans the gigs you need and " all the talking you want Nee —— oe 7 with MTN Mega Plans Winning is affordable data at home or on the go with MTN BozzaGigs LTE PayAsYouGo MTN PayAsYouGo : 7 " 20G B ‘ “a : re " "a5 WAS "499 " = Choose more talk now = SS R299 “ = — 3 sarcoma a ae ae ee = oy -_@ Choose more data a MTN BozzaGigs LTE | PayAsYouGo PayAsYouGo @® Sect ocnee some soome 18 sce a ait Ngpl irene SrarterPack | anaes 2 Voli tor 30 60 a Price F135 10GB @outube ise” —__ ies ©} 10GBso 27s oe wane — SXETYOME WAY PIN. sersewerratsrnnmunne ow Ehunce fo Win your shere of R200 Millon in det prizes on SA's best network” ott needsa WIEN

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