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Current special Makro - New Year - Valid from 09.01 to 26.02 - Page nb 5

Special Makro 09.01.2023 - 26.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 300 wl 210 mm 1200 W 2 Semnpaung. Mite Saw “feted ois (399186) 255 mm 1500 W Compound | Mitre Saw + Model: ne seo ood speed: | "5000 min + 24-eoH ‘carbide tipped blade (401832) SE 3299 om | 2199 yt }) 150 mm 370 W Bench Grinder Sander «+ Model: HBGS-150 + Power input 370.W (405433) 2) 16mm 500 W Drill Press maror\pmaersreas * Hoge 1 5 pale pnd doting Adjustle dep nd ovr guide» 1S cjutble ipedcek Rackend pain table (399285), 2599 nas EI) "140 Amp Hobby Master Welder 40,Ame Holby Master Welder 52mm scl daly» DY ne a f4106) “ , 180 Amp Mini Inverter Welder ii WSS ucowens «uy a: tt nade hp wedog os, | welding gloves and carry case | (386822) 1999 sos, SAVE 100 “Bp ntewad do nat nh ordain Mo woe et sh ent ped demand. oc ol gat oni inde ao eae ot ‘cho moet antpied domond, Nok sa wet eonnab sors Ipetonble rl eomporse Srrae mh he sore pol pecan but mines! grote ‘Epiy a nes ore wih ol be coeds For Ga pacs any caren price per on wl ony op # yo by he ble pock. Pics excade occas aa ar daplay purposes on ine TSE VA Hw lr be £2 cy rv enor preva Bohel Eade ak Ponca Mocs Crt ireret 21% "re Res ore fe eal mag freee Natna FclalSree cin oy ncn cf fn cone poten sce “shje o change, Al pricns ore inate ond ocua epays erclang, 24-tondh boda ond 3d-moad Lodget Posed ky RES a repaired Grad ond cobarned Poonciel Serioe? Proven RCP 36/°SP- OP AND MACHINE BYE AE ANE 405 mm 120 W Scroll Saw. elem (0855) () BOSCH 255 mm 2000 W Sliding Compound Mitre Saw : 254 mm 1800 W 1Dhst steel sysom O91 EYEE BYaE 305 mm 1800 W Sliding Table Saw Table Saw sexta, =o Sous. | 4999 6799 ws ists issn : cosh RYOsI @ BOSCH © BOSCH a “2 a? 1) 355 mm 2300 W af bedi emay Cut-Off Saw VERT | 710 W Electronic Drill Bete ty Meee) LY 2) 2000 W Heat Gun I 462000 * Verable stings 97691) 499 oon 2499 PREES sono» Ken tee 1800 W Heat Gun er eerie He ES ae pis ee nner] LADD 549 non bos) RYOBI PF 1),Plosma C Cutter Bp | 700A Amp M Metal Arc Inverter Welder =o oe 200 Amp Inverter shicmom sortase) MIRTRSROO ssrosgs ome 'SSem NS eee AE ai 7H A oy | 5999 | one oe sessed er oY sirrnae| S999 | {Rated dry eyde: 80% oe 6999 | owen 1999 sod " ee rato 20 601.5 HP Oil Free ceCompessor SF oo . 1 Working pressor: 8 bor/116 pst ‘Free Air Delivery (FAD| 180 min (428918) 241.5 HP Direct Drive erni3s) Hen Copp Re ee, ALE coat tctoine ONY ei idee tbe ees Coreen Seen | ares 1799 a penal oa 1962660) 8299 in (03/2023 Mokro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to senda % ray: 2023 5, makrom working pressure 8 ho lit orale you a inornton pared, ell Sil et of fg o lv al one in we We dene te cere produc Wo mite ocr non ore nemer or aol Bd on Ruhoised Finocel Serves Poi [FS> Leesa No. 29726 anderonten by ire ot 21g pore mer cv fe, grr con ce ond ‘oy wary based on arcu ety. Fos ube Change based sn casomer rk pcie Repaman! ptns

Latest specials

SAVE 300 wl 210 mm 1200 W 2 Semnpaung. Mite Saw “feted ois (399186) 255 mm 1500 W Compound | Mitre Saw + Model: ne seo ood speed: | "5000 min + 24-eoH ‘carbide tipped blade (401832) SE 3299 om | 2199 yt }) 150 mm 370 W Bench Grinder Sander «+ Model: HBGS-150 + Power input 370.W (405433) 2) 16mm 500 W Drill Press maror\pmaersreas * Hoge 1 5 pale pnd doting Adjustle dep nd ovr guide» 1S cjutble ipedcek Rackend pain table (399285), 2599 nas EI) "140 Amp Hobby Master Welder 40,Ame Holby Master Welder 52mm scl daly» DY ne a f4106) “ , 180 Amp Mini Inverter Welder ii WSS ucowens «uy a: tt nade hp wedog os, | welding gloves and carry case | (386822) 1999 sos, SAVE 100 “Bp ntewad do nat nh ordain Mo woe et sh ent ped demand. oc ol gat oni inde ao eae ot ‘cho moet antpied domond, Nok sa wet eonnab sors Ipetonble rl eomporse Srrae mh he sore pol pecan but mines! grote ‘Epiy a nes ore wih ol be coeds For Ga pacs any caren price per on wl ony op # yo by he ble pock. Pics excade occas aa ar daplay purposes on ine TSE VA Hw lr be £2 cy rv enor preva Bohel Eade ak Ponca Mocs Crt ireret 21% "re Res ore fe eal mag freee Natna FclalSree cin oy ncn cf fn cone poten sce “shje o change, Al pricns ore inate ond ocua epays erclang, 24-tondh boda ond 3d-moad Lodget Posed ky RES a repaired Grad ond cobarned Poonciel Serioe? Proven RCP 36/°SP- OP AND MACHINE BYE AE ANE 405 mm 120 W Scroll Saw. elem (0855) () BOSCH 255 mm 2000 W Sliding Compound Mitre Saw : 254 mm 1800 W 1Dhst steel sysom O91 EYEE BYaE 305 mm 1800 W Sliding Table Saw Table Saw sexta, =o Sous. | 4999 6799 ws ists issn : cosh RYOsI @ BOSCH © BOSCH a “2 a? 1) 355 mm 2300 W af bedi emay Cut-Off Saw VERT | 710 W Electronic Drill Bete ty Meee) LY 2) 2000 W Heat Gun I 462000 * Verable stings 97691) 499 oon 2499 PREES sono» Ken tee 1800 W Heat Gun er eerie He ES ae pis ee nner] LADD 549 non bos) RYOBI PF 1),Plosma C Cutter Bp | 700A Amp M Metal Arc Inverter Welder =o oe 200 Amp Inverter shicmom sortase) MIRTRSROO ssrosgs ome 'SSem NS eee AE ai 7H A oy | 5999 | one oe sessed er oY sirrnae| S999 | {Rated dry eyde: 80% oe 6999 | owen 1999 sod " ee rato 20 601.5 HP Oil Free ceCompessor SF oo . 1 Working pressor: 8 bor/116 pst ‘Free Air Delivery (FAD| 180 min (428918) 241.5 HP Direct Drive erni3s) Hen Copp Re ee, ALE coat tctoine ONY ei idee tbe ees Coreen Seen | ares 1799 a penal oa 1962660) 8299 in (03/2023 Mokro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to senda % ray: 2023 5, makrom working pressure 8 ho lit orale you a inornton pared, ell Sil et of fg o lv al one in we We dene te cere produc Wo mite ocr non ore nemer or aol Bd on Ruhoised Finocel Serves Poi [FS> Leesa No. 29726 anderonten by ire ot 21g pore mer cv fe, grr con ce ond ‘oy wary based on arcu ety. Fos ube Change based sn casomer rk pcie Repaman! ptns

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