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Current special Makro - Valid from 03.10 to 09.10 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 03.10.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

12-Piece Iris Dinner Set “Tee eante aee 349 ti aaa ‘snap SHERATON = PRIMARIES Guited Matters | 179 10 369 Sloseews He Protector aa King ol \ em ROMATEX Woterproof Quilted Mattress Protector 1296059) from 279 ingle 479 biog at Tefal ‘Supercook 7-Piece Non-Stick Cookware Set @ Russell Hobbs 5 ; 7-Piece Onyx Stainless Steel Cookware Set Cons of 20m pot 24 oe ps ond 15 em sourrpon, ol wi ode. ond 24cm lying pon poor 1299 @ Russell Hobbs 6-Piece Classique Non-Stick ata Nossa) a one 5 FoR EVERY R100 THAT YOU SPEND BRANDS, STAND A CHANCE TO WIN ONE S ee on Sxicen CO my Sl Cease @ ao suler Gh tesa = errace PAIMARES «CED om =] UES OF 200 MAKRO VOUCHERS WORTH. Wi R2500... 1h 8 gigas Rimatietct0 02 z2/oorpmnrn 18 40/2022 Mokro DTP TVD MKNIGMA\_Promoion vad fre Monday 2b September to Sunday 9 October 2022

Latest specials

12-Piece Iris Dinner Set “Tee eante aee 349 ti aaa ‘snap SHERATON = PRIMARIES Guited Matters | 179 10 369 Sloseews He Protector aa King ol \ em ROMATEX Woterproof Quilted Mattress Protector 1296059) from 279 ingle 479 biog at Tefal ‘Supercook 7-Piece Non-Stick Cookware Set @ Russell Hobbs 5 ; 7-Piece Onyx Stainless Steel Cookware Set Cons of 20m pot 24 oe ps ond 15 em sourrpon, ol wi ode. ond 24cm lying pon poor 1299 @ Russell Hobbs 6-Piece Classique Non-Stick ata Nossa) a one 5 FoR EVERY R100 THAT YOU SPEND BRANDS, STAND A CHANCE TO WIN ONE S ee on Sxicen CO my Sl Cease @ ao suler Gh tesa = errace PAIMARES «CED om =] UES OF 200 MAKRO VOUCHERS WORTH. Wi R2500... 1h 8 gigas Rimatietct0 02 z2/oorpmnrn 18 40/2022 Mokro DTP TVD MKNIGMA\_Promoion vad fre Monday 2b September to Sunday 9 October 2022

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