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Current special Makro - Valid from 26.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 26.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

81am ra root coe HD crag Er be) Cry Er Rar SINOTEC 81 cm (32) HD Rea * Modal: SIC32ET0 «Maoh: asses LED TV encedinn 147-50" TV teocket Tepes tory iscsi Fol FD EEX sinoétec em (40") Smart Fu | 148s om 58”) Smort UHD LED TV | MEN sumsscocaa 4999 sreecaer, | 7499 Ste 1920' 1000 © Dyno guarentee | eae * edt Vale eave: Soca teed lr | Poe sh Heli oar ea Ie Sacre on Boer orronconmact PAT gy 5.GAG DATA FOR ONLY SAMSUNG Exar 139 em (55) Crystal UHD 139 cm (55”) Smart Nanocell 75 . | Sat TV woes 8999 | sKuomicary, 10999 See nee ns ETN, sug | 247 | pn “ Soc eee nh 1 Recording tne: spt 10 hues ‘bcs A roves (202 1799 SKYWORTH 2,1 Channel Soundbor inicot 3.0 + Usd ips © AUK ep # Optical ng SS yeerwerewy woraim +768» $year woranty HOM! | Use 30.em za (327) SMART) eapy| 4 | x2 | xt SAMSUNG 90 sr 192.) Semart WO Roody LED TY. ty * iiernat eed * Dyer guoretee 63010) foocouaro ony RAB SAMSUNG 127 cm 50") Smort VHD 4K LED. TV 1 Reulaion: 3840 52160 © Deer uerotee (ansa2s} rey a) ORTON conTRACT SIG DATA FOR ONY R679 @Lc 165 cm (65”) Smart Nanocell UHD 14999 SAVE 3000 40/2022 Mokro DTP TDL MKNTGMA)_ Promotion valid from Mendey 26 Seplemiber to Sunday 9 October 2022 9 makro #1

Latest specials

81am ra root coe HD crag Er be) Cry Er Rar SINOTEC 81 cm (32) HD Rea * Modal: SIC32ET0 «Maoh: asses LED TV encedinn 147-50" TV teocket Tepes tory iscsi Fol FD EEX sinoétec em (40") Smart Fu | 148s om 58”) Smort UHD LED TV | MEN sumsscocaa 4999 sreecaer, | 7499 Ste 1920' 1000 © Dyno guarentee | eae * edt Vale eave: Soca teed lr | Poe sh Heli oar ea Ie Sacre on Boer orronconmact PAT gy 5.GAG DATA FOR ONLY SAMSUNG Exar 139 em (55) Crystal UHD 139 cm (55”) Smart Nanocell 75 . | Sat TV woes 8999 | sKuomicary, 10999 See nee ns ETN, sug | 247 | pn “ Soc eee nh 1 Recording tne: spt 10 hues ‘bcs A roves (202 1799 SKYWORTH 2,1 Channel Soundbor inicot 3.0 + Usd ips © AUK ep # Optical ng SS yeerwerewy woraim +768» $year woranty HOM! | Use 30.em za (327) SMART) eapy| 4 | x2 | xt SAMSUNG 90 sr 192.) Semart WO Roody LED TY. ty * iiernat eed * Dyer guoretee 63010) foocouaro ony RAB SAMSUNG 127 cm 50") Smort VHD 4K LED. TV 1 Reulaion: 3840 52160 © Deer uerotee (ansa2s} rey a) ORTON conTRACT SIG DATA FOR ONY R679 @Lc 165 cm (65”) Smart Nanocell UHD 14999 SAVE 3000 40/2022 Mokro DTP TDL MKNTGMA)_ Promotion valid from Mendey 26 Seplemiber to Sunday 9 October 2022 9 makro #1

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