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Current special Game - Black Friday 2025 - Valid from 07.11 to 05.12 - Page nb 16

Special Game 07.11.2024 - 05.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

{ Alcatel HH72 Router Alcatel HH72 Router \ Included with Below Contracts Included With Below Contracts [ace |2scce) |raw sso Intel Celeron Laptop + Windows "1 Home _- item no: 850016905 =o" Intel® Core” i7 Laptop = Windows 11 Home + tem no: 850005491 III EI Ryzen 3 Laptop + Windows 11 Home + Item no: 850011224 [paw S80 { I ao Celeron Laptop Lite Core i3 Laptop = Intel N100 processor + Intel® Core™ i3-N300 Processor + Item no: 850005410 + Item no: 850005358 Ryzen5 Laptop Windows 11 Home + Item no: 850006275 Offers vat from 07 Nov-Dec 2024 Standard term and conditions apy, Contract dese ae sutject to egnng a new 24/S6-month Vodacom Contract and a ance off SM and connection fe of 204 on all new Contracts unless otherwise stated. #Subject to RICA and in-store activation of a Prepaid Starter Pack. VAT inclusive, E&OE. All Once-off Data bundles will have validity up until 23:59 oft SOtn day fom andincluing te da of purchase Git cars are rat ncuded in Prepat deals, it cords may not be redeemed fr cash ors payment on instalment. Pease bing 10 Book. root .ddress, and 3 months’ bank statements. For full terms and conciti qualifying devices visit vod I-device and vods I Deals valid while stocks Last. The allocation of mca Sieerecin the adeonal data end volce minutes are on new Ines only and naton upgrade or prepa. ondoubk ine deals only the mainline will receive the allocation ofthe additional data and veice minutes. 46 SAGSGA3875. RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 NOVEMBER - 05 DECEMBER 2024

Latest specials

{ Alcatel HH72 Router Alcatel HH72 Router \ Included with Below Contracts Included With Below Contracts [ace |2scce) |raw sso Intel Celeron Laptop + Windows "1 Home _- item no: 850016905 =o" Intel® Core” i7 Laptop = Windows 11 Home + tem no: 850005491 III EI Ryzen 3 Laptop + Windows 11 Home + Item no: 850011224 [paw S80 { I ao Celeron Laptop Lite Core i3 Laptop = Intel N100 processor + Intel® Core™ i3-N300 Processor + Item no: 850005410 + Item no: 850005358 Ryzen5 Laptop Windows 11 Home + Item no: 850006275 Offers vat from 07 Nov-Dec 2024 Standard term and conditions apy, Contract dese ae sutject to egnng a new 24/S6-month Vodacom Contract and a ance off SM and connection fe of 204 on all new Contracts unless otherwise stated. #Subject to RICA and in-store activation of a Prepaid Starter Pack. VAT inclusive, E&OE. All Once-off Data bundles will have validity up until 23:59 oft SOtn day fom andincluing te da of purchase Git cars are rat ncuded in Prepat deals, it cords may not be redeemed fr cash ors payment on instalment. Pease bing 10 Book. root .ddress, and 3 months’ bank statements. For full terms and conciti qualifying devices visit vod I-device and vods I Deals valid while stocks Last. The allocation of mca Sieerecin the adeonal data end volce minutes are on new Ines only and naton upgrade or prepa. ondoubk ine deals only the mainline will receive the allocation ofthe additional data and veice minutes. 46 SAGSGA3875. RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 NOVEMBER - 05 DECEMBER 2024

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