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Current special Game - Valid from 03.10 to 31.10 - Page nb 25

Special Game 03.10.2022 - 31.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

CLEAN IT LIKE ed *899 er) Vacuum Cleaner ({HWD-10) ee) Cece Resta Sitter eke) a Se ad URC ary Bret Ba oa) NOW ee @ Bennett Read Stimtine Tower Fan + Powerful and efficiont 50. W motor ‘3 Adjustable fan speeds Cools up to 30m? + Item no: 818773 25 | SAGSGAI6II | DEALS VALID 3 - 31 OCTOBER 2022, ew Sse /, ae Drea SCC dL 3 [ae ee eu) j = aon See urn ial ‘wet and dry cleaning accessories : arco cy) Water Filtration Vacuum ee Be real SU are Genesis Diuesas st) ek Be onan a hes aul Btn) 40 cm Indoor 40 cm Pedestal Misting Fan 85 + 3-Speed settings + 3-Speed settings *Titt Function + Oscillating + LEO Display + Tit function with remote + Blows coat mist + Item no; 750298 + Includes remote controt + Item no: 651840

Latest specials

CLEAN IT LIKE ed *899 er) Vacuum Cleaner ({HWD-10) ee) Cece Resta Sitter eke) a Se ad URC ary Bret Ba oa) NOW ee @ Bennett Read Stimtine Tower Fan + Powerful and efficiont 50. W motor ‘3 Adjustable fan speeds Cools up to 30m? + Item no: 818773 25 | SAGSGAI6II | DEALS VALID 3 - 31 OCTOBER 2022, ew Sse /, ae Drea SCC dL 3 [ae ee eu) j = aon See urn ial ‘wet and dry cleaning accessories : arco cy) Water Filtration Vacuum ee Be real SU are Genesis Diuesas st) ek Be onan a hes aul Btn) 40 cm Indoor 40 cm Pedestal Misting Fan 85 + 3-Speed settings + 3-Speed settings *Titt Function + Oscillating + LEO Display + Tit function with remote + Blows coat mist + Item no; 750298 + Includes remote controt + Item no: 651840

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