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eae cE y SAVER45 ——simonsig_—| Kaapse Vonkel 70m) * Brut - Brut Rosé + Nectar i x. WHERE Nectar Rosé be Sparkling Wine Each i SAVE R20 750m) SC ir can Diemersdal - Sauvignon Blanc} - Cabernet ° sunk: NSIC Bes ae Ss IP 2g eens" SAVE R70 SAVE R90 SAVE R130 } ~ BUY 750ml 750m) 750mi 750m FREE DEAL Malfy Gin ANY 2 FOR ic f All Variants Each La Fleurette ya wirwcano | Bie x with caro (wir caro < & GET 1cFitch & Rasuvignon Blanc Gamesell Bisquit & —" Bisquit & voces Toate, bee ee Triple Distilled [NM Dubouché [| Dubouché Ds oo VS Each Eo DC warn can Light Sparkling Irish Whiskey V.S. Cognac VS.0.P Cognac | aig) aa ‘Wine Cans SS a q ti SS 1 \ f= 4 } 2 “ 2 § 4 g 2 ; = | § SAVE R30 ‘=| saver3o fe? SAVE R35 SAVE R35 SAVE R40 ] b- FREE DEAL | BUY 750m! Olmeca 4 7sor “s . sd Reposado/Silver i maa ao a ees Tequila Each & GET = a = = = i459 Doritos SE [Corn Chips All Variants Wild Africa Gordon's KW, Vat 69 Johnnie Walker Each FREE! Cream Liqueur London Dry/Pink 3-Year-Old Blended Scotch Red Label Blended Al Variants Berry/Sunset Orange Brandy Whisky Scotch Whisky Gin AIT i Premium Draught Beer ANY 2 FOR ANY 2 FOR ANY 2 FOR a SAVE R10 | Tea) F as L as as exer ae 2.x 6x330ml or pack 2.x 6x330ml 2 x 6x275ml rai ml Cans i Strongbow Brutal Fruit : cal Windhoek »x delet Red Berries/Gold ‘Sparkling Ez Eichbaum |Apple Ciders NRB| pee apres ) Hefeweizen/Red/ 442% | Lager Beer Cans oy = solitGooor ne] 2FOR 2FOR « 4 WITH CARD x with caro 2 x 6x500m! Savanna 2 x 6x355ml 2 x.6x890m| Premium Dry/ — 4 6 se WITH CARD Corona : I Angry Lemon, Extra Beer NRB Lite Beer NRE } ider NRB bie er T x 2S 2FOR 2x4x300ml_ | Cheeky Monkey Classic Mimosa Not for Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. Page 1
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