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Current special OK Furniture - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 15.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 7

Special OK Furniture 15.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE °300 SAVE °300 Deposit P200. Deco P89x30 Months. Coffee Tal Payable P2569 at 24% Table Deposit P250. Deco P109 x 30 Months, Total Payable P3169 TW Stand at2 SAVE °300 Deposit P550. 229 x 30 Months Total Payable P6819 at 24% Int 3-Piece Miami Kitchen Scheme SY he P5999 Deposit P600. ere ons eT at 24% Int Rete ar) Pa Deposit P700. 289 x 30 Month Total Payable P8619 at 24% It. 3-Piece Radiant Kitchen Scheme licrowave not included Yj % Accessories not included TESTED FOR QUALITY AND DURABILITY eae ce ed Py eat

Latest specials

SAVE °300 SAVE °300 Deposit P200. Deco P89x30 Months. Coffee Tal Payable P2569 at 24% Table Deposit P250. Deco P109 x 30 Months, Total Payable P3169 TW Stand at2 SAVE °300 Deposit P550. 229 x 30 Months Total Payable P6819 at 24% Int 3-Piece Miami Kitchen Scheme SY he P5999 Deposit P600. ere ons eT at 24% Int Rete ar) Pa Deposit P700. 289 x 30 Month Total Payable P8619 at 24% It. 3-Piece Radiant Kitchen Scheme licrowave not included Yj % Accessories not included TESTED FOR QUALITY AND DURABILITY eae ce ed Py eat

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