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Current special MTN - MTN Business - Valid from 01.07 to 31.07 - Page nb 24

Special MTN 01.07.2024 - 31.07.2024

Products in this catalogue

HONOR X Series Unlock Your eXtra Power HONOR X7b repel LTE Enabled <E= <= 1GB 1GB HONOR Choice ir A Watch (in box) Anytime Data Anytime Data — aes y Valued at R1999 50 Only avaiable with the VeNoRNe se All-network Minutes All-network Minutes 289...;. ° 429..... Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited (Registration number: 1993/001436/07) 216 14" Avenue, Fairland, 2195. Private Bag 9955, Cresta, 2118, South Africa. Tel: +27 11912 3000. Fax: +27 11 912 4670 For fll Terms and Conditions on all products ond promotions, see pt 3 or visit,ESOE.

Latest specials

HONOR X Series Unlock Your eXtra Power HONOR X7b repel LTE Enabled <E= <= 1GB 1GB HONOR Choice ir A Watch (in box) Anytime Data Anytime Data — aes y Valued at R1999 50 Only avaiable with the VeNoRNe se All-network Minutes All-network Minutes 289...;. ° 429..... Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited (Registration number: 1993/001436/07) 216 14" Avenue, Fairland, 2195. Private Bag 9955, Cresta, 2118, South Africa. Tel: +27 11912 3000. Fax: +27 11 912 4670 For fll Terms and Conditions on all products ond promotions, see pt 3 or visit,ESOE.

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