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Current special Makro - Valid from 31.10 to 16.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 31.10.2022 - 16.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Monday 31 October to Friday 16 December 2022 Ziyagezana‘ | Mae ROA PROVIDING BIG SAVINGS TO ALL STOKVEL CUSTOMERS IN THE FREE STATE TASTIC WHE STAR Koo LUCKY STAR Parboiled Rice Super Maize Meal Baked Beans in Pilchards in Tomato SRL itor ee Tomato Savce or Chili Sauce R No vat bee [EXtiiiese i | BULL BRAND Corned Meat (all verions) BLACK CAT Peanut Butter CROSSE & BLACKWELL % GOLDEN Ged xeuocc’s CORN FLAKES BOKOMO WEET-BIX ALL GOLD | > Menon’ > cLouD Corn WeetBix J , = ca] Tomato i ‘Cake Wheat Flakes Se Flour tg - “ 10kg \| i gs No Var A WEET-BIX . Bis sn rest we ity eRe am Creamer Ri Tagl KG) a oo ee ves Boe M Long Life @ Full Cream FULL CREAM Milk ives 5 i a oer Biscuits Veg j Oros Squash Concentrated Fruit Nectar 1 (Al eran (al verons) 2g 4a a All prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions Apply 1 45/2022 Mokvo.CAP_MKNTFD289_BFN

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Monday 31 October to Friday 16 December 2022 Ziyagezana‘ | Mae ROA PROVIDING BIG SAVINGS TO ALL STOKVEL CUSTOMERS IN THE FREE STATE TASTIC WHE STAR Koo LUCKY STAR Parboiled Rice Super Maize Meal Baked Beans in Pilchards in Tomato SRL itor ee Tomato Savce or Chili Sauce R No vat bee [EXtiiiese i | BULL BRAND Corned Meat (all verions) BLACK CAT Peanut Butter CROSSE & BLACKWELL % GOLDEN Ged xeuocc’s CORN FLAKES BOKOMO WEET-BIX ALL GOLD | > Menon’ > cLouD Corn WeetBix J , = ca] Tomato i ‘Cake Wheat Flakes Se Flour tg - “ 10kg \| i gs No Var A WEET-BIX . Bis sn rest we ity eRe am Creamer Ri Tagl KG) a oo ee ves Boe M Long Life @ Full Cream FULL CREAM Milk ives 5 i a oer Biscuits Veg j Oros Squash Concentrated Fruit Nectar 1 (Al eran (al verons) 2g 4a a All prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions Apply 1 45/2022 Mokvo.CAP_MKNTFD289_BFN

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