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Current special Clicks - Valid from 27.12 to 08.01 - Page nb 47

Special Clicks 27.12.2024 - 08.01.2025

Products in this catalogue

‘Cémol or Jacquot ieee Sweetto Ple Eoos Rocks of Chocolate Bal 1009 Party Bags Chomp 168 9. or PS. or unch Bar 171 9 or led Mini Stowberry of Mint Rols 20-Pack or Mint 26 Pieces , ay. Street Walkers Chocolate Bars 160 a, Ginger or Dairy Box 162 a After Eight Mint Chocolate Thins 300 a. Pump Water 750 mior (Orange Mint Thins 135.a or Ashley's Cloke Chocolate Coated Biscuits (or Quality Street Carton 220 a Pouch 283 g or Boo 300.0 Powor Play Eneray Drinks Boxed Chocolates 100.9 120.9 or Mini Chocolate Sticks 200 9 250 rl oF §00 ml fee Nel hice ee eB ul RTT cecal eae Rilo oc Md Not all products are available in ail stores. All competitions are valid in South Africa only. Photographs ate for eet illustration purposes only and products may vary in store depending on availabilly. Not all products are available for ee) ‘online purchase. For more information, visit our website at www.clicks.coza or phone our Customer Service Centre on 10860-254-257 (within South Africa) or +27 21 460-1009 (outside South Attica). Prices are applicable to cash and credit/debit Ce A ee a ee WC aoa {o limit quantities to 6 per customer. Prices apply fo South Aftica only and may vary in Namibia, Botswana, Eswattini and r Peat arene a0 es stareecl eerie emcee eT en WMCLICKS shback

Latest specials

‘Cémol or Jacquot ieee Sweetto Ple Eoos Rocks of Chocolate Bal 1009 Party Bags Chomp 168 9. or PS. or unch Bar 171 9 or led Mini Stowberry of Mint Rols 20-Pack or Mint 26 Pieces , ay. Street Walkers Chocolate Bars 160 a, Ginger or Dairy Box 162 a After Eight Mint Chocolate Thins 300 a. Pump Water 750 mior (Orange Mint Thins 135.a or Ashley's Cloke Chocolate Coated Biscuits (or Quality Street Carton 220 a Pouch 283 g or Boo 300.0 Powor Play Eneray Drinks Boxed Chocolates 100.9 120.9 or Mini Chocolate Sticks 200 9 250 rl oF §00 ml fee Nel hice ee eB ul RTT cecal eae Rilo oc Md Not all products are available in ail stores. All competitions are valid in South Africa only. Photographs ate for eet illustration purposes only and products may vary in store depending on availabilly. Not all products are available for ee) ‘online purchase. For more information, visit our website at www.clicks.coza or phone our Customer Service Centre on 10860-254-257 (within South Africa) or +27 21 460-1009 (outside South Attica). Prices are applicable to cash and credit/debit Ce A ee a ee WC aoa {o limit quantities to 6 per customer. Prices apply fo South Aftica only and may vary in Namibia, Botswana, Eswattini and r Peat arene a0 es stareecl eerie emcee eT en WMCLICKS shback

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