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Current special Game - Valid from 24.08 to 20.09 - Page nb 5

Special Game 24.08.2022 - 20.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

STRENGTH © ee Ce)! Build agility, tone up, and slim down at prices so low, EMU meme Ty a TROJAN Elite Gym 1.0 se a TROJAN Flat Bench + 301x350x440mm Setup Size + 1010x290x45mm Cushion size + 120kg Maximum Weig + Item no: 809286 SAVE200 SAVE100 TROJAN TROJAN Sit Up 140 Bench Strength Bench Combo TROJAN ppb eran Dumbbell Pro + 100kg Max user weight R1299 soe” R1Z99 es Seat Level Barbell Set + Item no: 745110 SAVE300 © . item no: 786996 R1299 SAVE 300 TROJAN TROJAN Wondercore 2 Exerciser Dumbbell Set Dumbbell Set “agusabicien's PD AGO ; 10kg 20kg + item ne: 803184 : FROM + ein no: 571639 “em ne: 824700 ~~ TROJAN R : : C reese” R149 troani 17 R349 R699 Floor Mats Weight Plates 5779 ESAWENOON assorted ats SAVE5O SAVE100 Dros TROJAN o~ \ Spring Clips ; siete rane RAZ mem poy MEA Gea Af | EE YOU CAN SAY LAY-BY? ~ R300 Asie iusto cy ae IAN cant ges | Troma R315 Mig Proven NT Protein 908g Caramel OR Chocolate * tem no; 830940 / 830946 269 X-Treme Whey 908g Vanilla + item no: 818199001/2 SAVE30 SAVESO SUSN Hardcore Whey 908g Vanitla OR mA Chocolate Whey Extreme + Item n0:606194/ 2k9 606198 “Ieem na: 820252002 SAVESO SAVE4O 5 | SAGSGAII44| DEALS VALID 24 AUGUST ~ 20 SEPTEMBER 2022.

Latest specials

STRENGTH © ee Ce)! Build agility, tone up, and slim down at prices so low, EMU meme Ty a TROJAN Elite Gym 1.0 se a TROJAN Flat Bench + 301x350x440mm Setup Size + 1010x290x45mm Cushion size + 120kg Maximum Weig + Item no: 809286 SAVE200 SAVE100 TROJAN TROJAN Sit Up 140 Bench Strength Bench Combo TROJAN ppb eran Dumbbell Pro + 100kg Max user weight R1299 soe” R1Z99 es Seat Level Barbell Set + Item no: 745110 SAVE300 © . item no: 786996 R1299 SAVE 300 TROJAN TROJAN Wondercore 2 Exerciser Dumbbell Set Dumbbell Set “agusabicien's PD AGO ; 10kg 20kg + item ne: 803184 : FROM + ein no: 571639 “em ne: 824700 ~~ TROJAN R : : C reese” R149 troani 17 R349 R699 Floor Mats Weight Plates 5779 ESAWENOON assorted ats SAVE5O SAVE100 Dros TROJAN o~ \ Spring Clips ; siete rane RAZ mem poy MEA Gea Af | EE YOU CAN SAY LAY-BY? ~ R300 Asie iusto cy ae IAN cant ges | Troma R315 Mig Proven NT Protein 908g Caramel OR Chocolate * tem no; 830940 / 830946 269 X-Treme Whey 908g Vanilla + item no: 818199001/2 SAVE30 SAVESO SUSN Hardcore Whey 908g Vanitla OR mA Chocolate Whey Extreme + Item n0:606194/ 2k9 606198 “Ieem na: 820252002 SAVESO SAVE4O 5 | SAGSGAII44| DEALS VALID 24 AUGUST ~ 20 SEPTEMBER 2022.

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