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Current special Boxer - Black Friday 2025 - Valid from 11.11 to 24.11 - Page nb 5

Special Boxer 11.11.2024 - 24.11.2024

Products in this catalogue

GOLDEN RAY SPOILT FOR CHOICE Corn Flakes Assorted Biscuits 3x 500g , re 2x 1kg y | —r tc aR I 1B Reward = 1Rand ge (Une GOLDEN RAY ‘SHIBOBO MONATI GOLDEN RAY Corn Flakes kg & = ee : Wsionmeatt Discs g Instant Mabele / St BOKOMO Weet-Bix 900g pete coorng Se! GIBBS | aice ence = = Oats : Helin ee S 2 cyan \K VON. ud j — — ie | >. on ee | | TASTY TREATS: DE VRIES ‘afore Assorted Trisk Savoury Crackers Ginger Biscuits . ee | a. cas ws Og) | YUM FUN ‘YUM FUN YUM FUN Marie Biscuits HOME SQUARE Cream Biscuit Assorted ee Be i t ma raga nee BREWER'S BLEND Classic conte Rooibos Tagless Teabags MI NESCAFE 7 Ricoffy Instant Coffee 250g & Ricoffy Instant Coffee 100g & TETLEY Premium Black Tea 102's TETLEY Premium Tea Blend 52's aa CRE-MEAR ed Pre = Suan eee Mash Tun Tes 18 rere Lad DOG i} Peer Piero nr Sree rl aa CUA CES VALID AT SELECTED BOXER LIQUORS STORES ONLY Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.

Latest specials

GOLDEN RAY SPOILT FOR CHOICE Corn Flakes Assorted Biscuits 3x 500g , re 2x 1kg y | —r tc aR I 1B Reward = 1Rand ge (Une GOLDEN RAY ‘SHIBOBO MONATI GOLDEN RAY Corn Flakes kg & = ee : Wsionmeatt Discs g Instant Mabele / St BOKOMO Weet-Bix 900g pete coorng Se! GIBBS | aice ence = = Oats : Helin ee S 2 cyan \K VON. ud j — — ie | >. on ee | | TASTY TREATS: DE VRIES ‘afore Assorted Trisk Savoury Crackers Ginger Biscuits . ee | a. cas ws Og) | YUM FUN ‘YUM FUN YUM FUN Marie Biscuits HOME SQUARE Cream Biscuit Assorted ee Be i t ma raga nee BREWER'S BLEND Classic conte Rooibos Tagless Teabags MI NESCAFE 7 Ricoffy Instant Coffee 250g & Ricoffy Instant Coffee 100g & TETLEY Premium Black Tea 102's TETLEY Premium Tea Blend 52's aa CRE-MEAR ed Pre = Suan eee Mash Tun Tes 18 rere Lad DOG i} Peer Piero nr Sree rl aa CUA CES VALID AT SELECTED BOXER LIQUORS STORES ONLY Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.

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