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Current special Game - Valid from 17.10 to 24.12 - Page nb 18

Special Game 17.10.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

AL EIGH 16" OR 20" Girls / Boys Eclipse BMX + Steel frameset + Steel V-brakes and nylon pra teres 135m - 10cm + Stabiliser training wheels Ages 8- Tiyears (on 16" onty + Single-chain guard + Item no: 779883/76/94/88 120¢m - 13S¢m_ hy J Dagess-7yers LP JPRALEIGH 16" Scrambler Motor Bicycle + Motos imitator + Piastic moto MX style kt + Front caliper brakes and rear band brake + Steel frameset = hem 90: 795951 100cm -120¢m Ages 3-5 years 12" Girls / Boys BMX igen 8-H yeors “EvAnyessne plasic wheels 12ocm-135cm | =Jreacensry + Back pedal fixed wheel 20° Girls / Boys + Front caliper brake Enduro Mountain + Item no: 744959/ 56 Bicycle - = MTB Octo-tube frame + Steet V-Brakes and + Item no: 758484/ 82/83/85 135em -150cm fAges 8-11 years wea Sk wn “7 years ie S " "menGgooseE Ager®-t1years A TNQNGOOSE 16” OR 20” Princess BMX 20" Brute BMX = Durabie steel frame + Durable steel frame + Front V-Brakes with rear coaster brake + Front and rear V-Brakes, + Alloy rims and carry basket i + Alloy rims + Heavy 6 ining wheels on 16" onty +20°x 3,0 Tyres + Item 0: 809427 ANY2FOR TNQNGOGSE GyraceatH ~ Bicycle Helmets Assorted ; \\Helmets + Item no: 817781001/2/3/ Bleyela Helmets Assorted Protect your bd Bios) Gyesoru2 aiz7i4oov2 Bicycle Tyre incase of an accident. oy Zu Standard Tube 16"/20"/24"/26" : + Item no: 583104 / =g— Pumps SS Se 099 /107/ 744548 [eeecqeveg easement a LY ot ie 18 | SAGSGAI4I6 | Festive Catalogue 2022 |

Latest specials

AL EIGH 16" OR 20" Girls / Boys Eclipse BMX + Steel frameset + Steel V-brakes and nylon pra teres 135m - 10cm + Stabiliser training wheels Ages 8- Tiyears (on 16" onty + Single-chain guard + Item no: 779883/76/94/88 120¢m - 13S¢m_ hy J Dagess-7yers LP JPRALEIGH 16" Scrambler Motor Bicycle + Motos imitator + Piastic moto MX style kt + Front caliper brakes and rear band brake + Steel frameset = hem 90: 795951 100cm -120¢m Ages 3-5 years 12" Girls / Boys BMX igen 8-H yeors “EvAnyessne plasic wheels 12ocm-135cm | =Jreacensry + Back pedal fixed wheel 20° Girls / Boys + Front caliper brake Enduro Mountain + Item no: 744959/ 56 Bicycle - = MTB Octo-tube frame + Steet V-Brakes and + Item no: 758484/ 82/83/85 135em -150cm fAges 8-11 years wea Sk wn “7 years ie S " "menGgooseE Ager®-t1years A TNQNGOOSE 16” OR 20” Princess BMX 20" Brute BMX = Durabie steel frame + Durable steel frame + Front V-Brakes with rear coaster brake + Front and rear V-Brakes, + Alloy rims and carry basket i + Alloy rims + Heavy 6 ining wheels on 16" onty +20°x 3,0 Tyres + Item 0: 809427 ANY2FOR TNQNGOGSE GyraceatH ~ Bicycle Helmets Assorted ; \\Helmets + Item no: 817781001/2/3/ Bleyela Helmets Assorted Protect your bd Bios) Gyesoru2 aiz7i4oov2 Bicycle Tyre incase of an accident. oy Zu Standard Tube 16"/20"/24"/26" : + Item no: 583104 / =g— Pumps SS Se 099 /107/ 744548 [eeecqeveg easement a LY ot ie 18 | SAGSGAI4I6 | Festive Catalogue 2022 |

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