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Current special Russells - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 02.12 to 11.12 - Page nb 5

Special Russells 02.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

ZOE IEID ear ced Russell Hobbs’ 20LT METTALIC 20LT MANUAL 26LT ELECTRONIC MICROWAVE DMO381 MICROWAVE RHMA20L MICROWAVE H26MOS5H 10124950 10058511 10292866 “ORDT fox a4 ones oerost ms “oO sop 24 ons pest RD somo soe a yon eros ma 139. foultinennaaess R149 ‘Outten see RISQ fou ivent nares R87 bercstico With more R92 Sacro"? wich eMOre: R108 SSsT„i00"” with more orion ‘CORDLESS KETTLE STAINLESS STEEL 10288266 Ld 30uT METALLIC ° i MICROWAVE DMO390 oes OvEN 10124426 10296539 jor or aenonmeagosrane season 108 24 onms oor 190 R149 fortress R142 cerosteieo With more Roo mone With Ă©pmore with more salton orion 3.5LT DIGITAL SLT DIGITAL AIR AIR FRYER FRYER OYAF-0501D 10294023 10292068 R129 oxnnor R129 iownnee RIS. cst” REE REF SSS aoo| WAS R999, with more with more Bonnett Rend 7.617 DIGITAL 6LT DIGITAL AIR AIRFRYER = DAF 3376 DB orion ee tozva590 poet ‘cxon roxaanonms DESK FAN RI49 oo ae ozseai5 WwiensmOre RITZ beostmo0 Zr ‘1499 With more with more Hisense DUAL AIR FRYER 8.6L HO9AFBK2S5, ie Us FUER) a Tozeptaa vexon Seas R219 or parent 45CM 3 IN 1 FAN. a re 10299027 “axe rawontin cen EHC econ with more Rioe) steer Raa Secs"? with oemore @0zow ») s i} IM lay By 2 rycen betwaybucks Reese WEACCEPT VISA Os

Latest specials

ZOE IEID ear ced Russell Hobbs’ 20LT METTALIC 20LT MANUAL 26LT ELECTRONIC MICROWAVE DMO381 MICROWAVE RHMA20L MICROWAVE H26MOS5H 10124950 10058511 10292866 “ORDT fox a4 ones oerost ms “oO sop 24 ons pest RD somo soe a yon eros ma 139. foultinennaaess R149 ‘Outten see RISQ fou ivent nares R87 bercstico With more R92 Sacro"? wich eMOre: R108 SSsT„i00"” with more orion ‘CORDLESS KETTLE STAINLESS STEEL 10288266 Ld 30uT METALLIC ° i MICROWAVE DMO390 oes OvEN 10124426 10296539 jor or aenonmeagosrane season 108 24 onms oor 190 R149 fortress R142 cerosteieo With more Roo mone With Ă©pmore with more salton orion 3.5LT DIGITAL SLT DIGITAL AIR AIR FRYER FRYER OYAF-0501D 10294023 10292068 R129 oxnnor R129 iownnee RIS. cst” REE REF SSS aoo| WAS R999, with more with more Bonnett Rend 7.617 DIGITAL 6LT DIGITAL AIR AIRFRYER = DAF 3376 DB orion ee tozva590 poet ‘cxon roxaanonms DESK FAN RI49 oo ae ozseai5 WwiensmOre RITZ beostmo0 Zr ‘1499 With more with more Hisense DUAL AIR FRYER 8.6L HO9AFBK2S5, ie Us FUER) a Tozeptaa vexon Seas R219 or parent 45CM 3 IN 1 FAN. a re 10299027 “axe rawontin cen EHC econ with more Rioe) steer Raa Secs"? with oemore @0zow ») s i} IM lay By 2 rycen betwaybucks Reese WEACCEPT VISA Os

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