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Current special OK Furniture - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 15.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 15.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

24900 74900 VFONE REDMI 5.5" C1 Dual 9A Dual Nano Neno SIM SIM 4G/LTE 3G/LTE Smartphone Smartphone + Processador ta-Core +P f . ° Gate: Gore CPU/ Prrnazonamorte 1.3GHZ Quad-Core 12868 + RAM: 168. = Teta: 6.67" @ Armazenamento: gar * Camara: 16MP, Camara Anterior: Set ie sean Basa ‘eer ae one Variar 12490 15490 84900 @meury Volkano PHILIPS Radio FM c: Alto-Falante Sistema Barre de Sintonizador “Mini Mamba” Som de 2.1-Canais AM-3350-BK VK-3201-BL TABS305 — , volkano on ey s Alto-Falante S Os ¢ Vertical : Mais Ww -3901-65 . @.% SS fansa CLEA TV LED de Totalmente HD TV LED de Apta para HD CL1I8TV43FDB AW320 D-STAR 5 TELEFUNKEN 124900 Wiketi. uv 399900 1VLED ge Totamente Ho a Hp “am use x2

Latest specials

24900 74900 VFONE REDMI 5.5" C1 Dual 9A Dual Nano Neno SIM SIM 4G/LTE 3G/LTE Smartphone Smartphone + Processador ta-Core +P f . ° Gate: Gore CPU/ Prrnazonamorte 1.3GHZ Quad-Core 12868 + RAM: 168. = Teta: 6.67" @ Armazenamento: gar * Camara: 16MP, Camara Anterior: Set ie sean Basa ‘eer ae one Variar 12490 15490 84900 @meury Volkano PHILIPS Radio FM c: Alto-Falante Sistema Barre de Sintonizador “Mini Mamba” Som de 2.1-Canais AM-3350-BK VK-3201-BL TABS305 — , volkano on ey s Alto-Falante S Os ¢ Vertical : Mais Ww -3901-65 . @.% SS fansa CLEA TV LED de Totalmente HD TV LED de Apta para HD CL1I8TV43FDB AW320 D-STAR 5 TELEFUNKEN 124900 Wiketi. uv 399900 1VLED ge Totamente Ho a Hp “am use x2

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