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Current special OK Furniture - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 05.12 to 18.12 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 05.12.2022 - 18.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire Stove DSS694 © 3-Year Warranty E4399 & Grey Top Deposit £440. Loader Washing £189 x 30 Months. Machine Total Payable E5499 DTL156 * 2-Year Warranty at 24% Int E1299 it E130, £59 30 Months, © 2-Year Tota Payable £1779 Warranty E1699 E2499 Deposit £170. Deposit E250. E79 x 30 Months. E109 x 30 Months, Total Payable E2259 Total Payable £3219 at 24% Int. at 24% Int. Hisense SAMSUNG Mirror-Door Mirror-Door Microwave Oven H26MOMSSH © 2-Year Guarantee Microwave Oven ME0113M1 * 1000W 2-Year Guarantee E3099 Deposit E310. £139 x 30 Months, Total Payable £3939 at 24% Int Univa Black 3-Plate Plug-in Stove U305B ° 2-Year Guarantee @Lc Grey Top-Loader Oegnittany, Washing Machine £329 x 30 Months, T1885NEHTE Total Payable £9849 * 2-Year Guarantee E7999 at 24% Int. \ Spiral Hot Plate SDS-200BD * 2000W Hairdryer Cutek Advanced Straightener CUTEK2000 * 2000W 10) E349 E1799 = E3399 See ebrsonenns | 8: aid Pilon 0 Monts, Oven x Solid Hob x Total Payable E2379 Total Payable E4299 DBO483E aah Bane at24% 600E DHD398 ° Seat iy ° 2-Year 1, ce abl farrant iar RATING fi ‘ 0 SAVE 100 KARCHER: E499 E399 = E1699 wets oy, fasion Deposit E40. Deposit E170. facuum Cleaner 2989 90 Month erie, EFS ing, WD3V ° 1000W Total Payable E569 tal Payable E225 Rowe moet ae 6-Piece Ginbea @ Aluminium eter . sei Frying Pan it Set SEFP-750

Latest specials

Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire Stove DSS694 © 3-Year Warranty E4399 & Grey Top Deposit £440. Loader Washing £189 x 30 Months. Machine Total Payable E5499 DTL156 * 2-Year Warranty at 24% Int E1299 it E130, £59 30 Months, © 2-Year Tota Payable £1779 Warranty E1699 E2499 Deposit £170. Deposit E250. E79 x 30 Months. E109 x 30 Months, Total Payable E2259 Total Payable £3219 at 24% Int. at 24% Int. Hisense SAMSUNG Mirror-Door Mirror-Door Microwave Oven H26MOMSSH © 2-Year Guarantee Microwave Oven ME0113M1 * 1000W 2-Year Guarantee E3099 Deposit E310. £139 x 30 Months, Total Payable £3939 at 24% Int Univa Black 3-Plate Plug-in Stove U305B ° 2-Year Guarantee @Lc Grey Top-Loader Oegnittany, Washing Machine £329 x 30 Months, T1885NEHTE Total Payable £9849 * 2-Year Guarantee E7999 at 24% Int. \ Spiral Hot Plate SDS-200BD * 2000W Hairdryer Cutek Advanced Straightener CUTEK2000 * 2000W 10) E349 E1799 = E3399 See ebrsonenns | 8: aid Pilon 0 Monts, Oven x Solid Hob x Total Payable E2379 Total Payable E4299 DBO483E aah Bane at24% 600E DHD398 ° Seat iy ° 2-Year 1, ce abl farrant iar RATING fi ‘ 0 SAVE 100 KARCHER: E499 E399 = E1699 wets oy, fasion Deposit E40. Deposit E170. facuum Cleaner 2989 90 Month erie, EFS ing, WD3V ° 1000W Total Payable E569 tal Payable E225 Rowe moet ae 6-Piece Ginbea @ Aluminium eter . sei Frying Pan it Set SEFP-750

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