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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 27.11 to 31.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 27.11.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Sunday 27 November to Saturday 31 December 2022 dyson Supersonic Hairdryer ae * Model: 305967 a: (369427) ® (WAHL) Cutek Hair Straightener '* Model: 4417-0470 22 meord length (305621) (WAHL) LIL oa | 22-Piece Cordless Hair Clipper Kit ual '* Model: 9657-026 (424916) Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. PHILIPS Daily Clean ToothBrush * Model: HX3415/07 PHILIPS Proactive Clean Toothbrush * Model: HX6809/16 (439441) ToothBrush Replacement Head + Model: HX6012/07 + Standord size * Sensitive teeth and gums (439453; 439445) Bennett Read Professional Hairdryer * Model mHRaTO isoasea) PHILIPS Air Purifier ‘* Model: ACO819/10 * Includes HEPA filter (427438) 49/2022 Mokro DTP/ATH MKNIGM184 1

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Sunday 27 November to Saturday 31 December 2022 dyson Supersonic Hairdryer ae * Model: 305967 a: (369427) ® (WAHL) Cutek Hair Straightener '* Model: 4417-0470 22 meord length (305621) (WAHL) LIL oa | 22-Piece Cordless Hair Clipper Kit ual '* Model: 9657-026 (424916) Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. PHILIPS Daily Clean ToothBrush * Model: HX3415/07 PHILIPS Proactive Clean Toothbrush * Model: HX6809/16 (439441) ToothBrush Replacement Head + Model: HX6012/07 + Standord size * Sensitive teeth and gums (439453; 439445) Bennett Read Professional Hairdryer * Model mHRaTO isoasea) PHILIPS Air Purifier ‘* Model: ACO819/10 * Includes HEPA filter (427438) 49/2022 Mokro DTP/ATH MKNIGM184 1

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