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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 31.10 to 24.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 31.10.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Monday 31 October to Saturday 24 December 2022 ‘Tis the most memorable time of the year! #ShareFestiveMoments 2599 each @ Russell Hobbs Air Fryer Oven 25 “+ Model: -Place shwasher * Model SMS4SNIOOT (10942) Prrreatty 900 mm 5-Burner Gas Stove Medel 1O365GN-MN. 1 Avolobe of selaced stores cronline (426323) © Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions Apply. ELEG!NCE Floor-Standing Cold and Hot Water PIERS ERS» me ly eke toed tres (216859) Barat) IG 12 kg Inox Front Loader = Model: WW/12TPB4DSK/FA ot selected sores dyson V15 Detect Absolute + lominted done heod + Snteproof of deep clean zo senor counts dot pores ropin mounting ceraing alee sled sre or enine (xs0e15) SAMSUNG 1) 617 ¢ Side-by-Side iia CLT Bonen Riemer at (983069) PerfectCare Steam Iron * Medel: GC3925/30 + 2500 W. (428062) 45/2022 Mokro DTP ATH MKNTGM245

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Monday 31 October to Saturday 24 December 2022 ‘Tis the most memorable time of the year! #ShareFestiveMoments 2599 each @ Russell Hobbs Air Fryer Oven 25 “+ Model: -Place shwasher * Model SMS4SNIOOT (10942) Prrreatty 900 mm 5-Burner Gas Stove Medel 1O365GN-MN. 1 Avolobe of selaced stores cronline (426323) © Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions Apply. ELEG!NCE Floor-Standing Cold and Hot Water PIERS ERS» me ly eke toed tres (216859) Barat) IG 12 kg Inox Front Loader = Model: WW/12TPB4DSK/FA ot selected sores dyson V15 Detect Absolute + lominted done heod + Snteproof of deep clean zo senor counts dot pores ropin mounting ceraing alee sled sre or enine (xs0e15) SAMSUNG 1) 617 ¢ Side-by-Side iia CLT Bonen Riemer at (983069) PerfectCare Steam Iron * Medel: GC3925/30 + 2500 W. (428062) 45/2022 Mokro DTP ATH MKNTGM245

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