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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 27.11 to 11.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 27.11.2022 - 11.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Sunday 27 November to Sunday 11 December 2022 2.75 kg Ultra-Granular Chlorine + Kills bacteria and algae * Con be used as « shock treatment hth itis 8 kg Granular+ Mineralsoft Pool Chlorine : Kemeteneeetee eee * Destroys harmful germs, algae and boii Fostactag ike Lal (356657) hth hth 1.5 kg Pace ‘y 1.5kg Pool Floater Non-Stabilised hth + Reg. no. L4709 Floater tf * teeter Metector i ‘* Non-stabilised chlorine floater «Goninon ' hth = Fest cing 15 kg Granular+ ina3se03) ‘ae ee Mineralsoft Pool Chlorine A cartzoct * Deskoys hora gam, ry . dg cad baton \ er + Foshecng-inston ill os * Gon be used o 6 shock rectment oad £ 3 as ) \ VALUE PACK - — ‘ \ hth | 2 kg Dry Acid 3 kg Dry Weir Tabs Acid (96924) Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. 49/2022 Mokro DTP/ATH MKNTGM183. 1

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Sunday 27 November to Sunday 11 December 2022 2.75 kg Ultra-Granular Chlorine + Kills bacteria and algae * Con be used as « shock treatment hth itis 8 kg Granular+ Mineralsoft Pool Chlorine : Kemeteneeetee eee * Destroys harmful germs, algae and boii Fostactag ike Lal (356657) hth hth 1.5 kg Pace ‘y 1.5kg Pool Floater Non-Stabilised hth + Reg. no. L4709 Floater tf * teeter Metector i ‘* Non-stabilised chlorine floater «Goninon ' hth = Fest cing 15 kg Granular+ ina3se03) ‘ae ee Mineralsoft Pool Chlorine A cartzoct * Deskoys hora gam, ry . dg cad baton \ er + Foshecng-inston ill os * Gon be used o 6 shock rectment oad £ 3 as ) \ VALUE PACK - — ‘ \ hth | 2 kg Dry Acid 3 kg Dry Weir Tabs Acid (96924) Al prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. 49/2022 Mokro DTP/ATH MKNTGM183. 1

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