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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 01.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 01.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Thursday 1 December to Saturday 31 December 2022 BEACON Jelly Tots {All variants) 100g WILSON’S XXX Rolls (All variants) KNOW? eRe | 2 BEACON Did you know Beacon chocolate BEACON is o familiar favourite that has Chocolate been enioyed by South African’s lab since 19382 ie ay Some of their household brands 80g include Nosh, Niki, TV Bar, Wonderbar as well as the Heavenly Selection. This holiday seaien, you can treat your guests to a little something sweet and extral BEACON Smoothies or Supa Smoothies {All variants) 50/60/72's Smoothies is a proudly South African brand with over 15 different fruity flavours. This summer enjoy the lasting fresiness, smoothness ind confi fence of Smoothies. All prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. With the wide range of flavours you can Save money. Live bette: BEACON Wonder Bars {All variants) BEACON mmmMallows Pink & White 400g BEACON BEACON Mini Fizzer Maynards {All variants) Gums and Jellies {All variants) 1259 Wy ne BEACON Maynards JUICY FUNKY Minis Jelly FLAVOURS Sweets (All variants) Did you know that the first company to introduce wine gums was Maynard's Sweets "% in 19092 definitely find your» favourite. 1. 49/2022 Mokro_CAP_MMKNTFD524

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Thursday 1 December to Saturday 31 December 2022 BEACON Jelly Tots {All variants) 100g WILSON’S XXX Rolls (All variants) KNOW? eRe | 2 BEACON Did you know Beacon chocolate BEACON is o familiar favourite that has Chocolate been enioyed by South African’s lab since 19382 ie ay Some of their household brands 80g include Nosh, Niki, TV Bar, Wonderbar as well as the Heavenly Selection. This holiday seaien, you can treat your guests to a little something sweet and extral BEACON Smoothies or Supa Smoothies {All variants) 50/60/72's Smoothies is a proudly South African brand with over 15 different fruity flavours. This summer enjoy the lasting fresiness, smoothness ind confi fence of Smoothies. All prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions apply. With the wide range of flavours you can Save money. Live bette: BEACON Wonder Bars {All variants) BEACON mmmMallows Pink & White 400g BEACON BEACON Mini Fizzer Maynards {All variants) Gums and Jellies {All variants) 1259 Wy ne BEACON Maynards JUICY FUNKY Minis Jelly FLAVOURS Sweets (All variants) Did you know that the first company to introduce wine gums was Maynard's Sweets "% in 19092 definitely find your» favourite. 1. 49/2022 Mokro_CAP_MMKNTFD524

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