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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 01.12 to 07.12 - Page nb 2

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 01.12.2022 - 07.12.2022

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SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR 16 PAGES GROCERY LEAFLET e-CATELOGUE eee eee 2 ee . = = ss . re aa sPanuitia wm cane cOKE 1st RANGE Cold cold Brink STONEY Drink r | Assorted Pet Only 68 “ 5 EW 137" a7 03 8 “ 0 sec apety 3. oo. sursizz | BU, ar na | eee vr se 173" PEPSI Cold ‘COKE/FANTAy MIRANDA/ Brn Sagal fae enn g iy no eee a S za a ed s eee a Squash ‘ ; , assorted] peal ~ serie 12) je 12) e8 20 Siemens 180" Swiren 139" 125*| 20" reer. gS Eokers Serer . SATOE: 169,,| Seren x Hc Paks [etal iiiéhaaoe Drink i Juice? Cans Only desorted Assorted = Assorted ~ somnet coe a | = Cee - 7 | 2 24 y23" i —_ best 32" | Sees i, 28" Jomo 188" aur 7, Sore eee ee ed Sen | carne {wee FRUIT Flavou sparkling BONGO lax Assorted ‘WATER, iter Assorted 500m mill - cara osu oozes = CADBURY SLAB] ‘CHOCOLATE/ Assorted STRAWBERRY ov 3" 141” 10% | Nesrt 12 br a CHAPPIES os pape, | ser Nats. | cx or Ol evar 70 | ACN AKS YA 3.80 TOFILUK ‘SMOOTHIES Bailer Bag, SUPA Only Cheese 50s/72S PRINGLES 7 nee es = jungle en] cis ‘oars! [conn Faxes Comes ccc 30 | f 8 210% | vee: 73") con 217"| Bakers 134” | coc 1407 |! 5 49" A re: oe Ones BT | re, ee Topper Biscuits Eetsum-Mor Marie Tennis Biscuts | , Peso suits Bscuts Asorted = ; nae BOKOMO WEETBIX a a me e BOKOMO we Ma | FG. = con ms Coffee Py CHOCOLATE Flakes \ ‘oer — aa : 34”| Ne 217) 37° Wvirrax 65" 226" es ‘oko . | Sarsaa | 00 Sictszs| Sutin ‘i ee OKO sores ara ; BoKomo iAAGER TEA BAGS Ie Rooibos SELATI GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR] SELATI WHITE SUGAR. Das ‘aneo| B&H Brown Sugar | B & H Brown Sugar 8 ncn a — = etn frown pal — .. 004 ssn ya 365 —— Be... sear Sugar | Sf aaaroal 134x934 | é =| Bie eSelath » | abel 1260" | coasts” 33. | 12. 359 saa! 46" ae 330"| Fmesy 250" Goa 34. eREtiona - BLACK EAT Peanut ean ear B&H White Barter Smooth Pipatter smooth *tputter smooth = Sugar 1483991 =— =— ; 158, eg 223.| HiSkommn 430 | | alm 3B Peanur me ee. BUTTER HUco's = SMOOTH a Uttrame Custard a = 2 182" 03 BONNITA CREAMLINE scene a3 |e vir 496 tone ure ux Unt Mik Full fre ruck FULL cREAM Cream: ream ik ee ® nex i FOR BACK TO SCHOOL ORDERS STARTS THURSDAY 0 rT 42772716 3921 +2776 442 8161 salad eae +2773 3405080 +27 79 656 3542 2-6 -Be Saline shopping &e) = EOE

Latest specials

SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR 16 PAGES GROCERY LEAFLET e-CATELOGUE eee eee 2 ee . = = ss . re aa sPanuitia wm cane cOKE 1st RANGE Cold cold Brink STONEY Drink r | Assorted Pet Only 68 “ 5 EW 137" a7 03 8 “ 0 sec apety 3. oo. sursizz | BU, ar na | eee vr se 173" PEPSI Cold ‘COKE/FANTAy MIRANDA/ Brn Sagal fae enn g iy no eee a S za a ed s eee a Squash ‘ ; , assorted] peal ~ serie 12) je 12) e8 20 Siemens 180" Swiren 139" 125*| 20" reer. gS Eokers Serer . SATOE: 169,,| Seren x Hc Paks [etal iiiéhaaoe Drink i Juice? Cans Only desorted Assorted = Assorted ~ somnet coe a | = Cee - 7 | 2 24 y23" i —_ best 32" | Sees i, 28" Jomo 188" aur 7, Sore eee ee ed Sen | carne {wee FRUIT Flavou sparkling BONGO lax Assorted ‘WATER, iter Assorted 500m mill - cara osu oozes = CADBURY SLAB] ‘CHOCOLATE/ Assorted STRAWBERRY ov 3" 141” 10% | Nesrt 12 br a CHAPPIES os pape, | ser Nats. | cx or Ol evar 70 | ACN AKS YA 3.80 TOFILUK ‘SMOOTHIES Bailer Bag, SUPA Only Cheese 50s/72S PRINGLES 7 nee es = jungle en] cis ‘oars! [conn Faxes Comes ccc 30 | f 8 210% | vee: 73") con 217"| Bakers 134” | coc 1407 |! 5 49" A re: oe Ones BT | re, ee Topper Biscuits Eetsum-Mor Marie Tennis Biscuts | , Peso suits Bscuts Asorted = ; nae BOKOMO WEETBIX a a me e BOKOMO we Ma | FG. = con ms Coffee Py CHOCOLATE Flakes \ ‘oer — aa : 34”| Ne 217) 37° Wvirrax 65" 226" es ‘oko . | Sarsaa | 00 Sictszs| Sutin ‘i ee OKO sores ara ; BoKomo iAAGER TEA BAGS Ie Rooibos SELATI GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR] SELATI WHITE SUGAR. Das ‘aneo| B&H Brown Sugar | B & H Brown Sugar 8 ncn a — = etn frown pal — .. 004 ssn ya 365 —— Be... sear Sugar | Sf aaaroal 134x934 | é =| Bie eSelath » | abel 1260" | coasts” 33. | 12. 359 saa! 46" ae 330"| Fmesy 250" Goa 34. eREtiona - BLACK EAT Peanut ean ear B&H White Barter Smooth Pipatter smooth *tputter smooth = Sugar 1483991 =— =— ; 158, eg 223.| HiSkommn 430 | | alm 3B Peanur me ee. BUTTER HUco's = SMOOTH a Uttrame Custard a = 2 182" 03 BONNITA CREAMLINE scene a3 |e vir 496 tone ure ux Unt Mik Full fre ruck FULL cREAM Cream: ream ik ee ® nex i FOR BACK TO SCHOOL ORDERS STARTS THURSDAY 0 rT 42772716 3921 +2776 442 8161 salad eae +2773 3405080 +27 79 656 3542 2-6 -Be Saline shopping &e) = EOE

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