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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Valid from 30.03 to 05.04 - Page nb 2

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 30.03.2023 - 05.04.2023

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SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR GROCERY LEAFLET e-CATELOGUE a +6 Fie Online shopping Se) FI LACE ram? |caez| See = ge BD ani| bs Pree 4 mit 2 37 S/PanffegHART) ies. if | ieee Tumbler 9473 count 35| POTSET n|EShome 9947 69” toney Silas Harr O48.) 247" S698” nce ABA CONDE 234” 202. abies JS7H.Q +FREE Dish FRYING PAN Single = PANDA| PA i. SINGLE | YBBS ponte sreece j / a ie | eee Se ( — | = Facies ° 99 | rae a8) we. oe 39 4 12 33) ot ae io as tame 39", pinewane SAT are, QB. 188") eset oa. Bizus|Besee 30.) Stic 504" Double CLO3 ‘Stove Hotplate BAR Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral ‘SHH2S 1800W_ Me CSSTOVE c => == ir Sh! Salta & Chimney a = Purpose aa Black 3 7 ie wa 1130% Av) 591" 521”| iio AZ 30° [sin | guon 19% anacemnllcg 2 7 ‘ Tae ig [—} we) RASHIDA 8 oy ig | Rashida vir .10 vit 3.00 | Broom “evi .82 me |e Seow Budget with ‘Wooden Asstd Handle Pusnic svar 168.56, “var sass | Rectangular “Sar a2s Folding Catering Table RASHIDA —_svat7.s7 Ju 3 Plate ser sd cen miuini el lL SOoML| Sook SAEAO j Yeswsosrn Biack/blve \ Su 160" 199" Pert BUFF / CLEAR aan 26" 356" vase ee is BAMBOO wross Pegs Treen) Paper WHITE sogsm = = a = = oe cugei| a 0 oa IPT | ue Bais pi HANGING CARD eae Powder pectin : _ 40" ae. sain 5 | suet 233" 1 a ea YY (he al ma maa Ma con omo Washing wasting DoMestos Bhs pene ashing PoMies = 86 55 Mi 79" 80) Ze 469 0.24" | xonol 20. 179" 102"|(] _ 489" wit" DETTOLBATHSOAP | sunucr a : Tn rd oe 5 im) sunuiciit sunticnr "i x —) z pishwashing Dishwashing f Eee | Ge... «|foy 113"|| N94" | egg 4 113" f \ 669 386' BH sya tass oars] WX Suara | om 78 “var 16.95, Bee ae a 18 | ete Seems * lonerans ia GREEN BAR Soap Bath soap JaauArnest e ae Pg 4 46 16| coms 3 33 | i 5% 2 3 KIWI SHOE Petroleum etroleum Body camming | SUPER INECTO POLISH Jelly th Cream j BLACK as _ l,i : onic] a Say oe - sons ESONY } DARLING san one PARLIN [ONE MILLION PANADO cone om comona. Oil Sheen hs ‘Yold Value! Braid ‘Ombre Braid | Value] Tabs Display 4 ‘Tabs Display Braid Pack| Assorted ‘Assorted, Card Pree i 4 aa 2 ey 2 20 =m i biserin = | ee const nee vo | Sea Bioses Meo uenigh Dispenser | RBI Coueh Regular a Regular 8 Syrup "8 72" agit 104” : ss wm 2320 ea 319 189 aoa Acta Plus & ore orn” reed aeons uagies ieee : f F = cra rus | paaeiemenNc TA eppermint| | co PAMPERS comet Pen (Gparigorancion f/x as mea ‘3 5 =, 47 46 | ” seit toe 37 | (EL) 283" ea Sots: | ‘ axl = PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 30™ MARCH TO WEDNESDAY 05™ APRIL 2023

Latest specials

SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR GROCERY LEAFLET e-CATELOGUE a +6 Fie Online shopping Se) FI LACE ram? |caez| See = ge BD ani| bs Pree 4 mit 2 37 S/PanffegHART) ies. if | ieee Tumbler 9473 count 35| POTSET n|EShome 9947 69” toney Silas Harr O48.) 247" S698” nce ABA CONDE 234” 202. abies JS7H.Q +FREE Dish FRYING PAN Single = PANDA| PA i. SINGLE | YBBS ponte sreece j / a ie | eee Se ( — | = Facies ° 99 | rae a8) we. oe 39 4 12 33) ot ae io as tame 39", pinewane SAT are, QB. 188") eset oa. Bizus|Besee 30.) Stic 504" Double CLO3 ‘Stove Hotplate BAR Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral ‘SHH2S 1800W_ Me CSSTOVE c => == ir Sh! Salta & Chimney a = Purpose aa Black 3 7 ie wa 1130% Av) 591" 521”| iio AZ 30° [sin | guon 19% anacemnllcg 2 7 ‘ Tae ig [—} we) RASHIDA 8 oy ig | Rashida vir .10 vit 3.00 | Broom “evi .82 me |e Seow Budget with ‘Wooden Asstd Handle Pusnic svar 168.56, “var sass | Rectangular “Sar a2s Folding Catering Table RASHIDA —_svat7.s7 Ju 3 Plate ser sd cen miuini el lL SOoML| Sook SAEAO j Yeswsosrn Biack/blve \ Su 160" 199" Pert BUFF / CLEAR aan 26" 356" vase ee is BAMBOO wross Pegs Treen) Paper WHITE sogsm = = a = = oe cugei| a 0 oa IPT | ue Bais pi HANGING CARD eae Powder pectin : _ 40" ae. sain 5 | suet 233" 1 a ea YY (he al ma maa Ma con omo Washing wasting DoMestos Bhs pene ashing PoMies = 86 55 Mi 79" 80) Ze 469 0.24" | xonol 20. 179" 102"|(] _ 489" wit" DETTOLBATHSOAP | sunucr a : Tn rd oe 5 im) sunuiciit sunticnr "i x —) z pishwashing Dishwashing f Eee | Ge... «|foy 113"|| N94" | egg 4 113" f \ 669 386' BH sya tass oars] WX Suara | om 78 “var 16.95, Bee ae a 18 | ete Seems * lonerans ia GREEN BAR Soap Bath soap JaauArnest e ae Pg 4 46 16| coms 3 33 | i 5% 2 3 KIWI SHOE Petroleum etroleum Body camming | SUPER INECTO POLISH Jelly th Cream j BLACK as _ l,i : onic] a Say oe - sons ESONY } DARLING san one PARLIN [ONE MILLION PANADO cone om comona. Oil Sheen hs ‘Yold Value! Braid ‘Ombre Braid | Value] Tabs Display 4 ‘Tabs Display Braid Pack| Assorted ‘Assorted, Card Pree i 4 aa 2 ey 2 20 =m i biserin = | ee const nee vo | Sea Bioses Meo uenigh Dispenser | RBI Coueh Regular a Regular 8 Syrup "8 72" agit 104” : ss wm 2320 ea 319 189 aoa Acta Plus & ore orn” reed aeons uagies ieee : f F = cra rus | paaeiemenNc TA eppermint| | co PAMPERS comet Pen (Gparigorancion f/x as mea ‘3 5 =, 47 46 | ” seit toe 37 | (EL) 283" ea Sots: | ‘ axl = PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 30™ MARCH TO WEDNESDAY 05™ APRIL 2023

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