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Current special Tupperware - Valid from 07.09 to 04.10 - Page nb 17

Special Tupperware 07.09.2022 - 04.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Ready set, heat and go! Perfect to take for your left over braai Lunch. ave Divided ish (1 L x 2) R199 es g P SAVE R131 nes ee @DO® Divides your food into 3 pa sections = RO Ra AUS AACN ek a THE ECO BOTTLE (2 L) FOR R89

Latest specials

Ready set, heat and go! Perfect to take for your left over braai Lunch. ave Divided ish (1 L x 2) R199 es g P SAVE R131 nes ee @DO® Divides your food into 3 pa sections = RO Ra AUS AACN ek a THE ECO BOTTLE (2 L) FOR R89

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